There’s only 63 until the next global ‘interdependence day’. So, put the date in your calendar.
Of course, if you - like me - don’t have the faintest idea what that is all about and hit the bottom link, you’ll find that the link expired long ago. In fact, according to wayback, it hasn’t been operational since 2013. Back then, it looked like this -
Whatever it was, Desmond Tutu was on board. Fortunately, it also has a ‘team’ section. I know, I know - who the f- are those people?
Let’s look at the declaration itself.
Honestly, I am still none the wiser. Let’s follow the ‘earth charter’ link.
OK, the rotten stench of ‘sustainability’ just increased massively. The United Nations are all over this. And while at it, let’s have a look at their ‘University of Peace’, followed by their about section.
The agreement can be found here, and the document of importance - the charter - to be located in the annex.
Understanding, tolerance, peaceful co-existance. Yeah, we see those ‘values’ rather a lot, except their interpretation appears to be more of a battle cry than genuine understanding and tolerance.
And they co-operate with the UN University, the one which they insist is a ‘think tank’, and definitely not where they brainwash the next generation.
Particular focus on minorities and women. In other words, this is ideological guidance, and not competence based.
Let’s just take a step back here, because when was this founded?
In 1980. More than 40 years ago. In fact, the Appendix states the 14th of December, 1979 being the day where Costa Rica came on board. In other words, this was in the works already, but it was officially established in 1980.
… and if we don’t, it’ll ‘threaten the human race’. Ah, that old chestnut again. But unlike when they played that card wrt climate and health (aka covid-19), this time it’s real, and definitely not a tool of exploitation.
I could carry on in this direction, as I would be particularly interested in knowing who championed this, and if any working groups were involved. But that’s not really the topic I wanted to cover here, so let’s leave that for now. Instead, let’s rewind, because after all, the website is now down, and consequently, this is nothing we need to further investigate - right? Right?
Well, not so fast. Because these chaps have this delightful way of operating, where a core aim of operation is to remain hidden in the shadows. Who - and what - else is promoting this idea of a ‘Declaration of Interdependence’?
Well, rather a lot in transpires. Rather a lot, and rather a lot of high profile institutions as well.
Let’s start with the undated, and still active sites.
2022 - The Global Declaration of Interdependence
Winter 1976; “Greenpeace Declaration of Interdependence”
September, 1969; “The Berkeley Revolution”
August 1962; “Bulletin from the European Community”
In fact, the solid trail stop here. With the William Durant Foundation -
There are a few prior mentions, but nothing concrete. Rex Weyler conveniently summed it all up it a book, ‘The Jesus Sayings’ which is now long-gone from the web, but still on Wayback.
So what’s that to us?
Well, worryingly, as we’ve seen, a large amount of organisations are still pushing this. In fact, before I start investigating the connections between these various organisations and their people, I’m going to go ahead and guess that this is entirely organised, and that the William Durant event was the root event.
And with that in mind, let’s skip back to more recent times, because there is one link I left out, and it’s a major one. It’s that of the ‘Global Interdependence Center’.
What, you never heard of them? Well, neither had I. But - in their very mission statement - they declare their intent to influence world policies for the greater good. Yes, of course, it’s to protect us.
It furthermore aims to bring together… international experts in policymaking, central banking, ind-… wait, what? Central Banking? Weren’t they supposed to stay neutral on all things but monetary policy?
Well, that’s the thing. Because when Greenpeace released their “Greenpeace Declaration of Interdependence”, Henry Steel Comanger also released his version, which is somewhat more direct. And, fortunately, it’s fully sourced on the website of the Global Interdependence Center. Here is a snippet -
Ah, it calls for the establishment of a New World Order.
But, wait, surely it’s just an old website, hosted by some two bit provider, no?
No. It was updated in 2023 and is hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadephia.
In fact, the website has a page on upcoming events. The next event is only two days away. The website is very much still alive.
And in 2018, they announced the formation of the College of Central Bankers.
As for Commanger, who penned this particular revision of the “Declaration of Interdependence”, he was a historian who was vehemently against McCarthyism, in fact, was ridiculed for his hyper-liberal ideas.
And the document was introduced in 1976, and signed by members of congress at the World Affairs Coincil in Philadephia.
The document on the matter can be found here.
The full document is long, and will be the topic of a separate substack article. This one is long enough as it is. But just one question - the cliffhanger.
Kurt Waldheim, who was he?
Great research