On the 23rd of April, 2020, a whitepaper hit, which by and large has gone completely ignored. It shouldn’t, because it’s one of the worst, and most dystopian papers released during the Scamdemic.
It highlights a different side to the alleged covid-19 pandemic, a side which is rarely - if ever - covered in a reasonable way by the MSM. And it’s about surveillance. And it’s about protecting us. In fact, if there’s one thing which should have scared the living daylights out of the people during the covid years, this is it.
It’s yet another paper, following the typical pattern seen early on. Fearmonger about the alleged danger relating to covid, and then suggest something incomprehensibly unacceptable.
First, the authors. Of principal authors, especially Peter Piot is of interest here, because he was everywhere during the scamdemic, driving public policy. More on him later.
Principal: Mark Dybul, Robert Morello, J Smart, and Rebecca Katz. 5 in total. Contributory: Deus Bazira, Spiros Dimolitsas, Charles Holmes, Susan C Kim, John D Kraemer, John Monahan, Sylvia Ojoo, Bobby Pittman. 8 in total.
Let’s deal with the primary authors first.
Mark Dubyl
Robert Morello
Private enterprise
Fraym / Kupanda / CGD
J.C. Smart
Computer science / AvesTerra (more on this later)
GU / NSA / DARPA / Defense
Rebecca Katz
Legal / Education / Diplomacy
Peter Piot (who supposedly was ill with covid-19 when the report was released)
Gates / WHO / UN
So we have two people working in health (Dubyl, Piot), one in legal (Katz), one in IT (Smart), and finally one person in the private sector (Morello). Lets go through the contributors.
Deus Bazira
Legal / Management
Spiros Dimolitsas
Head of department
Charles B Holmes
Policy Advisor / Diplomacy
GU / Gates / WHO / CFR
Susan C Kim
GU / Gates / CDC / DOS / WHO
John Kraemer
Legal GU / DOH / UN
John Monahan
Policy / health
Sylvia Ojoo
Director, HIV programs in Kenya
Bobby J Pitman
Private enterprise / finance
Fraym / GU / DOT
We can roughly divide the authors into 3 distinct groups; health for all working in healthcare, those who would have contributed in terms of covid-19 itself, then we have computer science, those who created the technology, and then we finally have other, which spans legal and the link to the private sector. The contributing authors are put in bold.
Health: Dubyl, Piot; Monahan, Ojoo
CS: Morello, Smart
Other: Katz; Bazira, Dimolitsas, Holmes, Kim, Kraemer, Pitman
Next question - what is AvesTerra?
AvesTerra is a product for hypergraph representations of large quantities of data. In this context think every single person on the planet. That’s what the software does. It’s JC Smart’s work.
Of all documents, it’s the final, the HGTP document which is of most interest. ‘Global-Scale Information Sharing and Analysis’. Ominous.
The foreword provides a hint - it’s via a DARPA SIMPLEX program contract. And it confirms that JC Smart in fact is the main guy. He joined via Raytheon in 2011. And this work has been ongoing for a decade. Which probably means that JC Smart was headhunted for the role.
It also provides a few hints in regards to dates. The document saw initial release in June, 2016. Then progressive updates up until 2019, where version 1.6a was release. So within the June 2016 - March 2019 timeline. I’m not doing a technical analysis, but there’s furthermore a brief overview of the technology here. Peer2peer, Universal ID (ie, Digital ID).
The research grant can be found here. It’s one of many ‘SIMPLEX’ grants, and it’s awarded by SPAWAR System Center-Pacific. You won’t be able to find SPAWAR System, they’re now named ‘Naval Information Warfare Centers’.
What does ‘Naval Information War Centers’ engage in? Well, practically anything cutting edge, but with an emphasis in this context on information war. Large data management.
Information war commonly go by a different name. Fifth-generation warfare.
Michael Flynn published a book on the topic. I’ve got it on my shelf, but haven’t yet found the time to read it. However, it includes the line ‘Big Tech-titans, social media tactics, artificial intelligence manipulation, and national and international political events’.
So it’s sponsored by DARPA, it’s legit military research. Meanwhile, in May, 2018, JC Smart etc also received a grant from the CDC. National HIV surveillance.
The link also helpfully points to a paper, co-authored by JC Smart. Improving HIV surveillance. June 2016. The exact time of version 1.0 in the technical doc in [5]. Surveillance. Health.
The technology is progressively fine-tuned. This paper is released in September 2019 - after the final revision of the tech doc [5]. In other words, the technology is operational and ready for rollout.
And this occoured in September 2019. Server-side technology to perform real-time tracking of all of us, and it’s been tested operational - just in case. And who’s Fraym?
But who is Fraym? I’m going to let their own website answer that question.
They are the client side for AvesTerra. It’s software which ‘maps humanity’, allowing you to zoom in to see what ‘they look like’ and so forth.
But - aha! says the branch covidian - this is all about HIV, and not covid-19! Gotcha!
Not so fast. In August, 2020, the technology was trialled in regards to covid-19 - a feasability study, to protect us. To be used to track symptoms for public safety. See - it’s to protect us! They cannot possibly be the bad guys!
And much to the surprise of, well, no-one, the trial passed with flying colours.
So, let’s rewind all the way back to the whitepaper, because we never actually considered its contents. And here it is. The executive summary is basically an express train in this regard; a problem, a solution. In fact, a global solution, via the response.
And we must act now, or we will all die repeatedly and forever because Aunt Bessie isn’t tracked. She could go to the supermarket and - gasp - infect everyone! We simply must implement test, trace and quarantine! Honest guv, this is to protect you.
We simply must act now, or the people might - gasp - lose their faith in the government. Could you imagine if your government told an untruth, or failed to deliver on a purpose (Or, even, faked a scamdemic for 3 years)?
The executive summary continues - we must have massive RNA testing througout the world.
But bad news, man. We also require social distancing, which will have to stay forever. Yeah, man, a total bummer - but if we don’t we will all die again!
Surely you won’t let Aunt Bessie die, right?
Ah - how fortunate. There is a potential solution! Thank our fantastic tech overlords who are there to protect us.
But - bummer, dude - although we could implement all this tech, we simply must have only one, because otherwise we’ll all die again. It has to be global, otherwise there’s no point.
And we can’t rely on self-reporting because people aren’t very good at that - unless it’s to report covid-19 illness to be reported in official stats. That’s totally different. No, in order to protect us, we need to have intrusive surveillance technology, and we need it now.
But fortunately, there’s a solution. I mean, amazing, right. We are so lucky to have our Georgetown overlords look out for us. They already have a system, fully developed, they’re just now testing moving this across to covid-19!
Can you imagine had we not been this lucky! We’d have been dead once more!
But of course, we have the problem with visualisation. Damn. Bummer! What do we do now, we have all this good fortune, but it had to run out, right? Oh wait -
Well, I can recognize a stroke of luck alright, but damn, it’s like we just won the lottery! Fraym! How unbelievably fortunate for us all they already have this tech, just waiting to be used!
Great, so we have the technology from server to client side, we have visualisation, and we’ve decided to ignore those pesky privacy laws because of Aunt Bessie. But, unfortunately, who will pay for all of this. Oh wait, to protect us all, that’s been arranged already. And even Gates is stepping in with his altruism.
Great! That’s the money taken care of. I mean, we’re still short $8bn or so, but $4bn is a start of sorts. But what about the danger down the road? I mean, what if covid-21 comes back and kills us again, what will Aunt Bessie do then?
So, you see, we can’t really remove the structure once this is all done with. The frameworks simply must stay in place - to protect you.
So I said earlier that Covid-19 was about digital ID. And it was, and still is. But I said there’s more to the story, because there is. It was also about surveillance - a global, real-time system, which would always be enabled, and would always track you. To protect you, see.
There’s more to this story, but for now, there’s only a few things I wish to add here.
The above project was funded, in part by the military, in part by the CDC, and server-side development took place at the ‘Office of the Senior Vice President for Research‘. It was already up and running when covid-19 appeared. It details a project, server-side, but the client side was working just as well when covid-19 is alleged to have emerged. And the technical document indicates completion in September, 2019. This was then repurposed with flying colours in August, 2020.
And that, really, from the perspective of ‘extraordinaty coincidences’ is the month of all time, given that we also saw the UN’s ‘Decade of Action’ (SDGs), first positive c19 test (covid), the launch of Trusted News Initiative (censorship), and the launch of the Immunisation Agenda 2030 (vaccines) website.
And just prior - in July - we saw the official press statement on WEF/UN cooperation (public-private-partnerships), and the Salzburg statement on vaccine acceptance (vaccine propaganda).
But with that, the surveillance tech was in place.
Thank you, Esc. Sending best wishes from the Tsitsikammas l.
Yes, booted off permanently, " violent language " never would detail the "offending" tweet though. Twtr refused to divulge. Not impressed with Elon now, townsquare my arse.
Keep up the good work.