Does anyone watch Sabrina Wallace on Odyssey or Nonvaxer420 on Rumble 🤷‍♀️… the tech is here & ready to roll out 😢

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Now I've returned from hiatus and done basic catch-up, I can more meaningfully respond to your articles. I know when I first started out on Substack my articles were terrible, and improvement took time, practice and refinement (I still think my articles lack a certain polish), and it can be hard to judge the balance between too little information and too much. I still end up on the 'too much' side.

Let us talk purpose. Why are the UN wanting to create a 'global citizen'? Your article answers the 'how', but it misses what draws the normies in, which is the why (even if the why is speculative). Why do this?

For a lot of people, the emotive 'why' is more important at convincing them than how. For example, you could detail how I could have built a bomb, and how I could have placed it under a bridge, but people won't necessarily believe it unless they also have a why.

In this case, the 'why' is *the centralisation of control*. So, the 'global citizen' is the symptom, the cause is centralised control. That's why the WHO wants a single, one-world, vaccine passport (with green miles) on it.

The psychopaths are always looking to streamline and solidify their control. Via mass automation, via centralised bureaucracies, via AI doing auto-censorship (in the hopes people will conform and obey), and more.

In their mind, the more efficient the bureaucracy, the more they can control and micro-manage your life. Currently, medical data is disparate, it sits in a dozen and one isolated, separate countries, and behind the scenes Cerner are using HL7 to make a unified 'health (vaccine) passport'. Their excuse is 'to make hospitals more efficient', but in truth it centralises datamining control.

So, the 'why' they want a global citizen is because they want global control. Which should interest *everybody* regardless of country of origin. We ironically, must unite, to fight their bureaucracy.

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ok dude lets say you fight their bureaucracy and win, then NOW What? how are YOU going to get the resources needed for YOUR population to stay alive and live well... other people on the planet want it too! china processes your rare earth metals, russia processes your uranium. don't tell me you are going to install CIA regime coups and do IMF austerity loans to extract resources then do mass eugenics on people to make enough high IQ people to produce technology. you see the problem right, YOU BECOME THE NEW ELITE, but then what? whats your SOLUTION to india draining all their aquafiers and africa burning all their trees and mexico city using all their water? and PEOPLE GET ENVIOUS if you have a better society than them and they also breed endlessly and will fight you so you have to feed them to get resources, there is NO WIN WIN. Control human nature is end game, or do you have a BETTER solution after DISPLACING the elites in your country?

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"then NOW What? how are YOU going to get the resources needed for YOUR population to stay alive and live well"

The same way I was when I was fixing other government systems before they went batshit crazy and started trying to kill everyone with mass eugenics. Invent actual solutions to problems.

Which I would have time for if I wasn't fucking trying to clean up some bunch of assholes trying to make the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE EXTINCT VIA A GENOME MODIFICATION.

And just to fucking flex.

"india draining all their aquafiers"

Solar distilleries using the latent excess sunlight coupled with mass rainwater collection systems during monsoon season. Their biggest risks are the GMO crops which will result in mass pesticide run-off killing the eco-system - which is yet another retarded globalist invention.

"africa burning all their trees"

Africa largely doesn't have trees. I would terraform the Sahara using a solar thermal powered ocean water pump exchange system, and use it as mass irrigation to drive food production whilst also expanding the viable ecosphere.

"mexico city using all their water?"

Rainwater and passive water fog harvesters up in the mountain ranges using gravity to act as a passive piping system buried underground to maintain the visual aesthetic of the area whilst driving an overhaul of the underlying agricultural ecology to use less water, improve run-off collection systems, advocate wider rainwater collection and storage usage, and overhaul the cartels using economic incentives to price them out of drug gang behaviours and convert their lands into profitable food production sites redistributing water consumption.

But you know what, you fuckers didn't want to listen, you wanted to mass genocide everybody and pretend there weren't any solutions to be had. You destroyed the planet, not the populace. The populace followed in your footsteps.

Globalists bought consumerism home, and the masses consumed.

Shouldn't have sold out to the Chinese or flown your fancy, burn-everything jets.

We could have had sail boats again if it wasn't for your bullshit nuclear war.

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