Anyone who could plow through this pile of UN-speak and still remain sane deserves a medal!

I'm hoping for some breakthrough AI tech which would allow us to build a low-cost, high-speed system that could digest the whole load in a week, strip away the fluff, analyze the hypocrisy and the contradictions, map out the network of self-serving entities behind all of it, generate some hard-hitting videos to expose the entire scam, and train an expert-level chatbot to tirelessly answer any question on the subject with facts and sources.

Then we can set it loose on the next target. The list is endless, for example: world101.cfr.org/understanding-international-system/global-governance/what-liberal-world-order

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Interesting, isn't it, that natural plant food = CO2 = dangerous toxic substance, so to make the plants grow in a CO2 starved environment we need to use more chamical agents.

No money for them in CO2 see, whereas agrochemicals OTOH and all the other big industry related infrastructure that goes hand in hand with that keeps the money and control in their hands.

bestr solution? Grow grass in CO2 rich environment, eat the grazing animals, it's self perpetuating, no imputs needed. Healthy soil, healthy animals, healthy people. It has worked since time immemorial. However, it means there is No money for them, and that's why they don't like it. If we can't see this for what it is then we are on an accelerating ride to total destruction.

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Bitcoin is the decentralised root system now providing the most incredible macrocanopy of this finite blue planet.

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