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Much of what we are seeing play out over multiple domains (politics, critical theories, culture wars, 'health care', energy etc) can be summarized thus:

Massive social engineering, ideologies deployed as 5th generation information warfare weapons, corporate media psy-ops and elaborate cover stories all designed to tear down western civilization, so they can build a global scientific dictatorship in it's place.

They want to own literally everything with most of us dead.

Exactly what makes them so sure that its not all going to spectacularly blow up in their faces is beyond me. Assuming they manage to get even a majority of what they want by 2030:

The types of people that could actually plan a nightmare undertaking like this over multiple generations - and have the power to even attempt it and follow through - are exactly the types that will turn on each other and wipe each other out in the end.

But no doubt each of them has a secret plan to make sure they'll be the ones to come out on top. 🙄

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