The fraud has been on display for quite a while, and the only reason wider members of the scientific community haven't exposed it sooner is because they all want a cut of that gravy train grift from the government.

We've got documented cases of arsonists.

We've got historical records showing there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature.

We've got the obviously political implementation of population controls in response to what has been consistently proven bunk nonsense.

None of the climate shills ever comes back from a debate when presented with evidence, they will just point blank lie and deny that it exists.

Every single person involved in this climate grift is a scammer. Period.

Trying to find something wrong with the data is precisely how peer review works. The data must be assumed fraudulent until they release the data proving otherwise. No evidence = did not happen.

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Wow a lot of information to go through here. Thank you for assembling such a comprehensive database of information.

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Great work! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Something that consoles me a great deal is that most people I speak to are aware that the climate crisis is a scam whereas they were and, mostly, still are unaware of the covid scam. That being said, TPTB are still organising society and stealing our tax money on the basis of this ‘science’ and it needs to stop.

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Excellent write up!

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Just watching the weatherman weeping at the Hurricane Milton . Its climate change he says. My guess from the early days of the CO2 theory was that it was partly about finding ways to cope with a high population of settled humans facing natural weather changes , and partly about our own altering of rivers and forests etc .. all this simplified down into a carbon tax ? So even if we 'prove' them wrong on the CO2 theory we still have to solve the various problems of climate changing ??

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Average surface temperature calculations are easily manipulated - with two examples outlined in above.

But I address this in one of the next articles - in short, the 1970s alone make it really rather obvious what they were doing. There's absolutely no way it's legit. Read up on the Belgrade Charter, for starters.

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so those 2 huge hurricanes are not unusual in the longer term ? I have wondered if the extra water from that undersea volcano has added to this .

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