There is little to no fine line between disease surveillance and people surveillance.

As you’re pointing out, the global operation in the name of keeping humans safer from pandemic-potential pathogens did not leap onto the stage on 2020.

It was a decades-long march.


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The other day I was thinking, the only reason they have these numbers, like "600,000 cases of flu in Michigan!" Is because people keep going to the doctor. If we all collectively agree not to go to the doctor unless it is truly needed, those "cases" would plummet.

By the way, my sister went to a gyno appointment and they said they have a new computer system and every patient needs to create a profile on the kiosk. The questions started off normal then began asking "what's your favorite color? Favorite food? Hobbies? Greatest Accomplishment?". Crazy, eh? Now the doctors kiosk is the governments Facebook.

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