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Escape, one does not comply.

Vigano will not recognise jesuit Bergoglio.

- Solidarity a vaccine for Europe -

" see Jacques Delores - former European Commission president.

May 8th 2020

" Europe will not be made all at once, nor according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity.” Ascribing to the same spirit as the founding fathers of Europe, today philosophers, religious and politicians are showing that solidarity is the cure to the afflictions of our contemporary society. "

" In short, physical confinement should enable spiritual liberation.”

According to Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato si, we are called to live out solidarity at a personal level as much as on a social and global level, as a key value of the “human family”. This links to the principle of subsidiarity established in the Social Teaching whereby social and political issues should be resolved at different levels, giving priority to the smallest level, to allow for its best possible management.

In this way, the spirit of solidarity which inspired the founding fathers of Europe (Alcide de Gasperi, Jean Monnet, Paul-Henri Spaak, Konrad Adenauer) 70 years ago can and should become the vaccine to heal the European Union of the virus of selfishness and division today. "

Substitute Communism for Solidarity.

Jesuit oathbreakers have ursurped St Peters throne and their cancer infects Europe.

Bergoglio without words.


Thanks for all you do Escapekey.


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