Great work!

If you integrate vitalism, which is as important than monism, you find several paths of the return of old thinking patterns, which arose since the 60ies once again:

from chaos to general system theory https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1556349913601588

reintegrating GOD, the telos, teleology and the soul - emergence: all the good things which "falls down from the sky" - the creative force "design for evolution"


The role of chiropractic


- which was prominent in the technocracy inc. movement in the 1930ies: Elon Musks grandfather Joshua Haldemann was chiropractioner and leader of technocracy inc. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk/

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some of those are to come, but i thought i probably should stop writing 40+ minute read substack articles :)

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evolutionary humanism and the approach to be the better "religion" and the want to get civilization rid of traditional religions.

the beginning of evolutionary, synthetic spirituality, the birth of psychedelics.

I am more envolved then you - the cultural framework for psycedic experience - both texts are very interesting to read.



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You’re correct about one thing, on the “psychedelic” side of things, there is a connection to Harvard and San Francisco, basically the beginnings of the now wildly connected worlds of AI research and this idea of “evolution”. Oh and “aliens” as if it wasn’t already convoluted enough.

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The contituity and further development from German's Monism (Haeckel) from the anti-semitic roots at the beginning of the 20th century and the development since 1945 with Popper to the 21st century: Meta.

"It is and remains a metaphysical venture to believe monistically in a humanity with dignity and rights and in a world, in a universe, in which everything is connected in a non-arbitrary way. I hope it has become clear why and how I subscribe to this basic worldview of dialogical, reflective, emergent monism."


Naturalistic, evolutionary humanism is the second time THE alternative for Religion. In "science we trust". https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/technocracy-incorporated-elon-musk/

Management theory is the space for vitalism.


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