2021 saw the release of the paper ‘Horizon Scanning: Rise of Planetary Health Genomics and Digital Twins for Pandemic Preparedness‘1, which went on to outline not only the alleged issue of the alleged pandemic, but also it’s alleged solution.
But its authors then decided to go way beyond its call of duty, and expose that truly nothing is what it claimed to be.
What the paper starts by suggesting is that Covid-19 was about an alleged illness, but what it goes to detail is that Digital Twins are a component of Adaptive Management; the part taking the global surveillance data as input.
‘The COVID-19 pandemic has further catapulted digital transformation around the world that is now taking off in a variety of large scale planetary health initiatives. In the European Commission, the Destination Earth (DestinE) is a current and major initiative to develop a digital model of the Earth (a ‘‘digital twin’’) with a very high precision‘
Never mind that they asked no-one if they wanted any of this. Never mind that they’d worked on this for years prior to the release of this paper. Never mind that it was pushed through by liars, parading about on promises of ‘good governance’, ‘transparency’ and ‘accountability’, yet not only sees no problem in the alleged ‘president’ actively destroying information2 relating to text messages between her and Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, no, in fact the MEPs decide that not only is this insufficient evidence leading to her dismissal (never mind prosecution), but in fact decides to re-elect her only shortly thereafter3.
The scale of corruption is absolutely epic within the European Union. Incidentally, did you know that the only other major power through recent history with a similar take on legislative initiation4 was the Soviet Union? Regardless, we kick off with the obligatory lies -
‘The Covid-19 pandemic is the most important public health crisis in the last century and one of the three major infectious outbreaks in the first decades of this century‘
Continuing through what should have received more attention -
‘An important characteristic of the Covid-19 pandemic was the early and widespread use of digital health technologies such as telemedicine platforms, contact tracing apps, wearables, genome sequencing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, genomic data sharing platforms, data dashboards, real-time and real-world data from mobile devices (including global positioning systems), electronic health records, disease and vaccination registries, e-prescriptions, and Internet of Things. These developments, in part, built on earlier efforts to incorporate digital technologies in public health‘
As said, the initiatives to build all this technology started much earlier. What personally opened my eyes to this… global surveillance state was the April, 2020, paper out of Georgetown - incidentally, co-authored by Peter Piot who - per own statement - in March-April, 2020 almost died of Covid-19, meaning he must have co-authored said paper from his alleged near-deathbed.
Oh and that Ursula vd Leyen appointed him a ‘special advisor to President of European Commission’… that’s another extraordinary coincidence5.
But there are so many individual surveillance data sources in the above quote that it almost beggars belief -
contact tracing apps
genome sequencing / genomic data sharing
real-time and real-world data from mobile devices (including global positioning systems)
electronic health records
disease and vaccination registries
Internet of Things
Because through just a cursory glance, one would immediately have believed that each and every one of those constituted a gross violation of privacy laws. But then again, the UK flat out ignored those opt-outs under the guise of our ‘public good’6, so it’s almost as though they don’t actually care about law, altogether.
‘… countries that have quickly deployed digital technologies to facilitate planning, surveillance, testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and clinical management have remained front-runners in managing disease burden‘
Yeah, no, that’s certainly not my recollection of the event, in fact, I’m pretty sure that’s nothing short of an egregious lie.
‘From the public health perspective, the most important benefits of the omics systems science are related to the implementation of genomic surveillance of the SARS-CoV-2 aiming to… real-time phenotype capture by Internet of Things followed by data analytics using machine learning and artificial intelligence‘
Let that sink in. Not only did they capture real-time data from your mobile phone WITH GPS data, but they also performed real-time genomic surveillance through IoT, and run the information through AI technologies. And they even have the gall to pretend that this is in your interest.
‘Digital transformation in omics began with the exponential development of next-generation sequencing and other emerging technologies, which will increasingly be incorporated into Internet of Things (IoT) devices, allowing real-time and precise monitoring of parameters that currently can be measured rather in hospitals and specialized clinics.‘
And the global surveillance state is only set to get worse…
‘Digital determinants of health has emerged over the past 2 years in particular as important pillars of preparedness for current and future ecological threats (Moon and Kickbusch)‘
… and they even found the time to invent a brand new ‘Determinant of Health’… and with the involvement of ‘Global Governance’ seeking Kickbusch! Joy!
The lies relating to alleged bats are regurgitated, before obviously concluding that what was required to solve that alleged issue was… more surveillance -
‘This scientific data should have already led to the development of extensive viral surveillance programs of bats populations in the hotspot areas with the objective to contribute to the development of predictive models and to prevent future emergence of the virus‘
We have Detect. We have Predict. We have Prevent. But let’s just rewind…
‘According to World Health Organization, ‘‘pandemic preparedness is a continuous process of planning, exercising, revising, and translating into action national and subnational pandemic preparedness and response plans”‘
… because the word ‘response’ is littered all over the document.
‘The use of genomic data could help to have a better understanding of the transmission history, of the hosts (animals and humans), natural reservoirs, and viral transmission enabling effective public health interventions, and prevention of future outbreaks‘
… and the Next-Gen Genomic Sequencing should naturally be applied across all hosts, ensuring a global surveillance system on steriods. Hey, a such was outlined by the Department of Defense in 2023…
‘In addition to the sequencing of the samples collected from the Covid-19 patients, the regular surveillance of waste water could also add value.‘
… and now we also need to run surveillance on waste water…
‘Public health genomics, as we move forward for pandemic preparedness, will likely expand toward planetary health genomics, signaling a broadening in scope of public health genomics from public to planetary health, and emphasis on ecological determinants of health‘
… and now the ‘ecological determinants of health’ have also been looped in…
‘DestinE will be launched in 2021 by the European Commission in the context of Green Deal and Digital Strategy aiming to ‘‘unlock the potential of digital modeling of the Earth’s physical resources and related phenomena such as climate change, water/marine environments, polar areas and the cryosphere, etc. on a global scale to speed up the green transition and help plan for major environmental degradation and disasters.‘
… actually, why even bother pretending. The plan is to monitor absolutely everything - and you will never, ever, ever be informed thusly, by those expressly promoting principles of ‘good governance’.
‘At the heart of Destination Earth will be a federated cloudbased modeling and simulation platform, providing access to data, advanced computing infrastructure... It will integrate digital twins—digital replicas of various aspects of the Earth system, such as weather forecasting and climate change, food and water security, global ocean circulation and the biogeochemistry of the oceans‘
And ‘DestinE’ will furthermore be used to… model and simulate absolutely every aspect of alleged ‘climate change’. As for ‘federated’… we shall return to this.
‘A digital twin is a digital replica of a living or nonliving physical entity. Digital twins use multiple data sources and rely on the integration of continuous observation, modeling and high-performance simulation, resulting in highly accurate predictions…‘
Let’s just cut to the chase. The ‘observation data’ is surveillance (Information Theory), a ‘Digital Twin’ is a model (General Systems Theory), and the simulation they seek to emulate is to predict the future, so that they can take corrective action (Cybernetics), and adjust the system itself (Resilience Theory).
As for ‘Prevent, Predict, Detect Respond’ above… those should be more accurately be reorganised, becoming ‘Detect, Predict, Prevent, Respond’, because that describe, essentially, what the above did just as well… which also happens to be the primary objective relating to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Adaptive Management.
‘The Covid-19 pandemic is a planetary health issue and requires a global action based on data and new and efficient technologies. Planetary health needs to adopt a ‘‘one health’’ type approach that moves beyond an anthropocentric framework and considers the interdependencies among human, animal, and plant health.‘
And thus, what it requires is a ‘Holistic Approach’.
Let’s quickly zip through a number of papers here, because I don’t see a particular need to go in depth. This is all so obviously happening, because everything fits perfectly, hand in glove. First, we have DestinE7, which promises to build a ‘highly accurate digital twin of the Earth’… before outlining a framework to ‘anticipate, monitor, simulate, avoid’ which leans itself so heavily up against ‘Prevent, Predict, Detect, Respond’ that you’d have to be pretty obtuse to not see it.
They also have a ‘Data Lake’8, which essentially is their ecosystem enabling a ‘common system approach to a unified orchestration of Earth-system Digital twins‘ through the creation of a ‘fusion of observations with Earth-system simulations‘, which coupled with ‘big data processing services‘ will ultimately lead to ‘evidence-based policy and decision-making tools‘ with the ultimate aim to ‘enable more sustainable development‘.
In other words, act on global surveillance data, and through modelling and simulation predict future scanarios, enabling decisions on that account.
Information theory, general systems theory, and cybernetics. Adaptive Management.
And DestinE fills the General Systems Theory component thereof.
But this isn’t just about the EU, because the United Nations has its own related initiatives. Here’s one on Oceans, for instance9.
And in 2021 the UN SecGen called for the ‘Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability’10, through the report ‘Our Common Agenda’11.
… and CODES calls for us to… ‘Build Planetary Digital Twin’12 to ‘measure, monitor and model the health of the planet’s biosphere and interactions with economic and social systems‘
Yeah, this is most certainly not just about alleged diseases… or ‘climate change’… environmental protection… no, it’s also about economic and social systems!
And let’s quickly zip through that report, because it’s just more of the same13.
But the United Nations also finds different areas where this could be of use. Here’s the October 2022 report out of the UNDP - ‘Digital Twins: Bridging data gaps for sustainable urban development‘14.
Yup, they will also find a use for Adaptive Management in regards to cities.
… and we also have private sector initiatives relating to Net Zero15, and impacts on the built environment…
And since the private sector is involved, this obviously calls for World Economic Forum involvement. Here’s their 2022 report on ‘Digital Twin Cities: Framework and Global Practices‘16.
‘Fourth Industrial Revolution technology – represented by the digital twin approach, together with policy and mechanism reform, which help us to understand systems better and intervene more effectively – is being used by cities to reshape and optimize their urban planning and operations, governance and service models, and planning method‘
… it’s about the Fourth Industrial Revolution…
‘… solve the complexity and uncertainty of urban planning, design, construction, management and services through simulation, monitoring, diagnosis, prediction and control; …‘
… it’s about Adaptive Management…
‘The ultimate goal of digital twin cities is to promote social equity and inclusiveness…‘
… oh, wait, forget all about the illnesses etc, it’s all shoving Marxism through.
‘Governments should: 1) fully coordinate topdown top-level design with bottom-up grassroots demand, and…; 3) build a twin-city data system with hierarchical classification to ensure distributed security and personal privacy protection…‘
There is no legit ‘grassroots demand’. What they do is fund those NGOs included in United Nations negotiations, and that’s how they will push this through - whether you like it or not. This is further using a ‘stakeholder approach’ governance mechanism, and it’s absolutely undemocratic, through and through.
But the initiative goes way beyond the Planet, the oceans, cities... In fact, here are two further examples, the first on rainforests17 and the second on soil health18.
Consequently, what is required is a lot of surveillance data, all around. And in early 2023, a paper was released out of Wuhan of all places, titled ‘Innovations in Public Health Surveillance for Emerging Infections‘19. And though the paper is one of the very worst I’ve read on the topic, I see absolutely no reason to cover this in detail, because the case is so obviously open and shut -
‘One health… social determinants of health… Planetary Health perspective… structural determinants of health… systematic monitoring of interventions, and people’s perception, attitudes, daily movements, social interactions, and physical and mental health, ...’
What the paper outlines is comprehensive global surveillance, grossly violating every aspect of your privacy. The kind of real convenience, should you seek to run a social credit system on the proles.
Oh, you don’t think it’ll happen in the West? Cute.
Because a quite different report - co-authored by Peter Piot’s wife, Heidi Larson - outlines practically the exact same, but this one was released in 2021. But then, it was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, so you’d expect them to be already ‘in the know’, especially considering they are deeply implicated in just about everything taking place related to the currently ongoing global coup d’etat.
Anyway, we’ve seen and heard rather a lot about those ‘Social Determinants of Health’, and you might wonder what they’ll use those for. Well, first we have to understand that the SDoH in practical terms amount to ‘indicators’, where each relate to a value, a weight, related to some statistic, like ratio of vaccination statistics, child mortality rates, or… income status, education levels, average rainfall, crime levels, neighbourhood ‘diversity’ rates, and every other surveillance stat you care to mention.
And here’s a study using said Social Determinants of Health to investigate ‘place-based disparities’20… which essentially will be used to systemically discriminate against you on basis of postcode.
But Digital Twins also relate to human health. In fact, this topic was discussed at the 2021 World Government Summit (which you probably didn’t even know existed) - ‘How Governments Can Accelerate the Value of Digital Health‘21.
And their solution - besides the obvious Lifetime Digital Twin - comes down to ‘patient passports’ (resonating with those stupid vaccine certificates, which in reality are nothing short of Digital ID), and creating ‘digital health bonds’ (financial instruments virtually guaranteed to be terrible investments, ultimately benefiting the vulture class).
Thanks, McKinsey, truly a work in the ‘common good’.
We then have a 2022 paper, courtesy of HRH Prince Charles’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, titled ‘The Digital Solution for Sustainability in Clinical Research‘22.
And do you recall how those quite possibly outright dangerous ‘vaccines’, rushed through trials during the alleged pandemic? And I trust you’ve further heard of the 100-day CEPA initiative23, seeking to inject you with poison invented only recently, but which will totally be safe because they say so?
Well, the plan is to accelerate those trials even further - by utilising ‘synthetic control arms and digital twins‘. True story - in the future, they won’t even have to experiment on all of 8 mice. They’ll just run the data through the kind of model which has repeatedly caused Wall Street to blow up.
And there are just so many of these, that I will accelerate this process, because there are a couple of papers which deserve closer scrutiny. First we have a page out of the ‘One Planet Research Centre’24, we have a (I kid you not) ‘Digital Twin of COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Centers‘25, ‘A modular computational framework for medical digital twins‘26, and even a Digital Twin Consortium27! And there’s also a ‘reflection paper’ by the WEF on the topic of ‘A Vision for the Future: Transforming Health Systems‘28.
No, let’s instead focus our efforts on a final paper, ‘Augmenting digital twins with federated learning in medicine‘29, published by the Lancet in May, 2023. We’ll get to why this one matters soon enough.
‘Hailed as a fundamental shift in medical treatment, digital twins face major challenges, particularly regarding privacy concerns before adoption of digital twins‘
And that is quite legit, because these will contain absolutely every bit of information in your regard, right down to quite possibly next-gen sequencing information.
‘We identify federated learning as a unique solution to this challenge that also enables proliferation and active sharing of digital twins technology without the necessity to reveal patient information‘
Right… immediately I’m skeptical, because as sourced above, the likes of the UK Health Agencies certainly didn’t respect any privacy laws during the alleged pandemic but further…
‘Federated learning is a technique that uses a decentralised approach to training machine learning models‘
Which, essentially, means that your local PC will store your data (and never you mind about that PC obviously not containing any data relating to your history, or any other bit of surveillance data they have on you - as all of that is stored in ‘the cloud’)…
‘… federated learning allows devices to train and update models without explicitly exchanging data while keeping the data locally on the device and only sharing the model updates‘
… as if that will ever be respected. Further, as it’s obviously impossible to know what exactly constitutes ‘the model’, there is precisely 0% likelyhood you can trust this, and should they break the ‘law’, hey, it’s not as though anyone will be held to account.
‘The key feature of a digital twin is its dynamic bidirectional link that allows it to be customised for different purposes‘
… sure, but whose purposes would that be?
‘Digital twins can be created at various scales (eg, community, patient, organ system, biological, or molecular level), enabling different insights to be gleaned at each of these scales‘
… and should you not have realised by now, they will run predictive modelling and Adaptive Management on quite literally everything - including drugs administered. And should those lead to your premature death, hey, ‘the model was wrong’, right, and no-one should be held to account. Wait, I exaggerate, no?
‘Precision medicine is the promise of adjusting treatment to a particular subgroup of patients or an individual patient based on their biomarkers, especially genetic and genomic biomarkers‘
… but didn’t they just state that they wouldn’t store that information?
I’ve heard comments relating to this approach working in various settings. Sure, I believe that. But unless there’s a structure in place to prosecute those responsible when it all goes wrong, what good is it?
Because these systems will eventually be run by those very same lunatics who thought 8 mice30 was sufficient grounds for passing an alleged ‘vaccine’ to be injected into the arms of children. And I quite legit couldn’t care less about all those fraudulent, corrupt, Pfizer sponsored ‘fact checks’, as per usual attempting to gaslight you into believing this is acceptable in any way. If you think that’s a product, ready to be injected into the arms of children, then I quite frankly want you as far away as possible from my children, because there is something disturbingly wrong with you.
Anyway, let me finish off by including a few other points of interest. First, here’s Davina Jackson and Richard Simpson from 2020; ‘Digital City: An Urban Perspective on Digital Earth‘31, explicitly linking GEOSS - and Buckminster Fuller’s 1927-28 vision!
… and in the context of the latter, it further includes Spaceship Earth.
The next is from 2006; ‘Sentient World Simulation (SWS): A Continuously Running Model of the Real World‘32.
‘The goal of the (SWS) is to build a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends‘
The automated calibration is Resilience Theory, the synthetic mirror is the Digital Twin aka General Systems Theory, the real-world information is the Information Theory… and though it’s not expressly outlining Cybernetics, this report is interesting regardless because -
‘A synthetic environment that supports Effects Based Approach and a comprehensive representation of the real world at all levels of granularity in terms of a Political, Military, Economic, Social, Informational, and Infrastructure (PMESII) framework‘
… it even considers the military, generally entirely avoided by these reports.
And finally, from Al Gore’s 1992 book, ‘Earth in the Balance’ -
‘… no one yet knows how to cope with the enormous volume of data that will be routinely beamed down from orbit. Nothing even approaching this amount of data has ever been dreamed about. In order to help organize it — and interpret it —I have proposed something called the Digital Earth program, which is designed to build a new global climate model capable of receiving data from several different sources that are not considered compatible by today's definitions; furthermore, Digital Earth would be designed to actually learn from its mistakes, when predictions based on information from the known climate record are run on the models of environmental change so that the results can be compared with what actually happened.‘
Al Gore describes running a Digital Earth program, using an enormeous flow of input data, use ‘a model’ to predict the future, and compare expected output to real-world values, so that the model can learn from its mistakes.
What Al Gore describes is Information Theory, General Systems Theory, Cybernetics, and Resilience Theory.
What Al Gore describes is Adaptive Management.
How prescient.
I wonder what will happen to humans, animals, plants, and ecosystems if the Biodigital Convergence experiment fails.
These rigid systems will not escape the laws of entropy.