I started a Fabian Society graph, and included this article:


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5 star next level research! Fyi- United STATES ;-)

''They are facilitating the creation of an ‘Ethics Panel’ on governance itself. This is how they plan the global coup d’etat. It’s happening in the United Stats through the SCOTUS ‘code of conduct’61, and it’s happening here''

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hah, i like my imperfections that's what makes us human

also, im lazy and working on the next thing :)

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I make these mistakes all the time on substack! Drives me mad ;-)

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Another amazing and in-depth report! All the pieces of the puzzle are there, they just need to be properly assembled. Too bad the over-hyped, badly trained "AI" systems are not allowed to do this sort of work.

Here's a short summary article on the Fabian Society, with references to the Rockefeller / CFR network, the Bilderberg group, etc:

"The Fabian Society has been particularly close to the Rockefellers who are covert Fabian Socialists. David Rockefeller wrote a sympathetic senior thesis on Fabian Socialism at Harvard ("Destitution Through Fabian Eyes", 1936) and studied left-wing economics at the Fabian Society's London School of Economics. Not surprisingly, the Rockefellers have funded countless Fabian projects, including the LSE. Already in the late 1920s and 1930s, the LSE received millions of dollars from the Rockefeller and Laura Spelman Foundations, becoming known as "Rockefellers baby".


Note that US Treasury secretary and former Fed chair Janet Yellen was an LSE faculty member. Many Fed officials, including Yellen and Powell, have also been CFR members.

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thank you

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