When David Martin first *burst* into 'the truther community' I was both taken in and a healthy skeptic. I immediately went to his M-CAM website, which looked nothing like it does now, and found a 'live' tickertape purportedly giving real time price information for three index funds. I typed them into Bloomberg and found that two didn't exist, and that the third at one time had held $1MM in Treasury bonds, but also didn't exist. I've also been very involved in attempting to clarify the TRUE 'misinformation' regarding both the IHR amendments and the 'new' 'pandemic treaty' as I have a background in international law. I was watching a video with David and 'Man in America' and listened to David so eloquently reel off statutes and make claims about them that I immediately looked up and debunked under the Rumble video, only to have my comments repeatedly deleted. I didn't even bother calling UVA to see if he a) ever taught there, and b) received a PhD from there, but perhaps someone should. The above was enough for me.

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Insta poof to everything I said, above! Thanks!

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Happy to help you remain deluded.

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How very kind of you, and it is definitely noted that you failed to address one truth I said as we ponder who's deluded.

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What truth are you revealing.. is it the one that tells most of us what you fail to see?

The CDC lie.. the FdA lie.. the US government lie..along comes someone who merely points out some “hidden” truths.. and you start doing somersaults.. I have let myself be hoodwinked and steered off course by people like you.. conversation is over.. go fuck with someone else’s mind.

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Well done. You are up there with Kevin_McKernan, as it was he who pointed out this fraud to me back in 2020.

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Great work. I will be incorporating this into my David Martin graph. I hope this is helpful:


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Alpha Male for hire! 😉 the best way to shrink a bully is to name him correctly.

He just doesn’t have enough doubt to be trusted. The bow tie says ‘gentleman at the ball’ but if you have to scream it you are the opposite.

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Outstanding! This has to be the way the big dogs keep it organized! I just have a disaster. Lol

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It's almost funny that there are so many examples of why not to trust the guy. My doubts began pretty early when he had presentations that made sweeping claims, and when I looked things up it either came to a dead end or was a very incomplete picture.

May I add one more observation that on the surface may seem petty, but I think points to the core of things? Martin is often seen in some of his podcasts alongside his wife, Kim. Nothing wrong with that, if she has something to add. But it's clear she is not very bright nor does she add any insight to the subject. She's very insecure; she constantly interrupts and talks over him. And no matter what inane, spot-light grabbing comments Kim makes, Martin gushes his approval and obsessively focuses on her looks.

The two main possibilities are that by having Kim on his show, he's either keeping the peace in the relationship by feeding his wife's narcissism, or he's blinded by his physical attraction to her and actually thinks she's a brilliant addition to his show. In either case, putting physical attraction or emotional blackmail ahead of the quality and integrity of your work shows pretty bad judgment.

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Are you some sort of character expert? .. or just a character assassinator?

Kim nursed David through horrific motorcycle 🏍️ injuries to his legs.. He has lived in great pain since it happened and has his wife to thank for bringing him through the worst of it.. true love is often observed without lots and lots of words being uttered … she is not a patent lawyer but I have heard her speak.. and she is well spoken and intelligent… you in the other hand seem upset enough to tear a strip off her back.. thought this thread was about HiS credibility .. most of what he says is actually legally signed and stored in a vault somewhere … yet that ain’t good enough proof.

Read and weep…


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I don't know how he had time to injure and heal his legs without anybody knowing it and him not mentioning it at the time it supposedly happened.

He said he met Kim on a trip to Antarctica within an approximate 3-5 year span following his first book. He must have also gotten an undivulged divorce, then found a new wife, Kim. He never mentioned his alleged injury and never appeared in physical distress. This directly preceded the era where he ruled Covid information.

He is always off the cuff. He can spin a lie faster than you can shake a stick. He is a stoic liar in love with himself who tries to shock people with garbage they ignorantly buy up and then salute him for making fools out of them for believing his twisted storytelling,

He always tells you who you are and what you don’t know even though his version is ludicrous. His motto is: “The bigger the lie the more likely you’ll buy it “, along with “I just manipulated you.” And “I’m better than you.”

He also said "I never loved myself" in this weekend's talk. Then quickly forgot he was trying to portray humility which turned out to be fear from being found out by so many people lately. It's the CIA way of doing business.

He doesn't know how to have a conversation. He only knows how to dominate by telling lies, or smirk if he’s not talking. Who knows what goes on in that tiny mind in his big head. He is missing the part of the brain that feels shame but he does a mean tap dance.

This weekend at The Arlington Institute he confessed he is not a doctor even though “people call him that” (and so does he). He previously said he was a neurosurgeon as well as a PhD. He deals in money management and propaganda for the CIA . He also promised to never give another speech the rest of his life but that too was a lie he expected everyone to forget immediately.

He is in it deep.

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You didn't directly counter anything I said, you just insulted me. His research is signed and stored in a vault? All I know is the stuff he puts in rather slapdash PowerPoints doesn't hold up under actual research. The stuff I pointed out about Kim - apparently you didn't read my last paragraph? It points to issues he appears to have with good judgment and maturity.

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You had me at "bowtie".

I have listened to one of his first talks in the beginning, but he very much reminded me of the Fuellmich which is now sitting in german jail, so that was also the last of any interest I have taken in him.

Great writeup!

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David just confessed on Saturday at his talk at the Arlington Institute that "some people call me doctor" after ten minutes of talking later: "I am not."

He's a fraud.

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I have followed Dr. Martin since he was on Plandemic 1. After watching a number of his interviews since, it hit me that his emergency news manner was the same in every interview. Last year I started feeling skeptical of his very over positive, speedy manner, and push to take heed to his words of emergency.

Thanks for sharing with us your research on his company!

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How about in a college bio, he said he lost both of his legs https://www.goshen.edu/news/bulletin/04mar/08_martin.php . I have seen so many photographs of him and both of his legs look perfect. So bizarre. That in addition to his 2011 M-Cam logo which looks like skull and crossbones.

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Maybe it was a genuine typo and should have read “lost the use of both legs”.. after all he spent years on very powerful pain killers as he learned to walk again.. but really this thread seems to be about character assassination.. because that’s more important than some of the facts he is trying to present…. Sad that people need to go all out to rip into one person but never spend any time tearing down the real cause of the problem the world is facing.

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And if anyone says it's a different David Martin, his Twitter replies admit it was him.

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And the governments the DoD WEF Gavi CDC FDA are telling us the REAL truth?

David Martin has been revealing some patents which show the true beginnings of coronavirus vaccines .. two patents were taken out

2015/16 by Gates himself at his Pirbright labs Uk which is why Fauci told the world from a White House podium in 2017 something “big” was coming real soon... those things are undeniable able unless you belong to the counter narrative and support mRNA technology whilst you watch mankind burn.

Yes DM is a Masonic member but so are high ranking police... politicians... judges... are we going to focus of these people rather than the castastrophe we are already entrenched?

Getting rid of maggots is easier if you remove the trees that hold bad apples.. not just by take out one maggot at a time.

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I agree!

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If you lie down in a darkened room and listen to David Martin and Judy Mikovits simultaneously on headphones, with one in each ear, it changes your brainwaves and gives you a massive headache.

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So are you claiming that the points David Martin makes in his presentation to members of the UK Parliament are incorrect, wrong or false? Martin acknowledges that the meeting wasn't in the HoC,

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i'm stating that i can't even be bothered at this stage to address specifics, because i can keep dragging up issues in his regard. and you'll notice i fully source practically everything i do.

there is no way that man is being honest with you, or telling you the full story.

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He is not telling you the full story. Hardly anyone is. I don't think we even know the full story but this is a good place to start


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Well, this is eye opening. I knew nothing of his history.

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Trust your gut, it sees the evidence your eyes tell you to ignore and your brain says it’s ok to trust. His affiliations speak much louder than his narratives.

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Would you care to evaluate his statements regarding the so-called "pandemic" and the various early patents associated with it, rather than focusing on peripherals. I'm immediately suspicious of anyone who critiques a person's statements by focusing on their attire (e.g., his bow-tie) with ad hominem attacks.

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I bought his book. I couldn’t finish it. It was like ‘The Secret’ but macho cult like.

Also he freaked me out with his” all evil starts with life insurance companies’

Really? Not MIC, BIS etc.

I love that you’re onto him. Helps.

Fuck the cast of trusted news shrinks every day

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