I miss one step back to the beginning of 1992 before the summit in Johannesburg was. Al Gore launched his book inclusive the idea of a new global marshall plan. https://www.c-span.org/video/?24448-1/earth-balance-ecology-human

Al Gore as Jimmy Carter as Bill Clinton were members of Club of Rome. Sometimes you have to go to Australia to find the missed peaces to full information.


The only thing which is needed is, tatata a NGO: A Global Marshall Plan Initiative (A new plantary contract) with 500 supporters in Hamburg, later supported with a foundation.

Coordinated by Rademacher, supported by many politicians as Austrian Josef Riegler or German Rita Süßmuth.


Or Peter Spiegel, a futurist who founded We Q more than IQ, an member of the Club of Budapest.

Only one year later the idea of a Global Marshall Plan was launched at ministerial level in Austria. https://info.bml.gv.at/dam/jcr:4e5ff4eb-f75d-437f-a06a-46b5e6e3593e/Radermacher_END%5B1%5D.pdf

In March 2020 it became reality.

Peter Spiegel, Rita Süßmuth, Dalai Lama and Ervin Laszlo & Co. had a backlash, there pseudo-university had to leave Germany. https://www.spiegel.de/lebenundlernen/uni/new-age-universitaet-wie-esoteriker-und-polit-prominenz-die-welt-retten-wollen-a-309842.html

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Don't forget the young Al Gore.

"We have to change our thinking". "We have to reconnect to nature".

Instead of saying: The have to regulate the industry and economy.

So much kitsch in the name of the old eugenicist circles.


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Always impressive writing and research..

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You’d have to look at what was happening in Berlin in late eighties…

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