I’ve benefitted hugely from the historical research of Dom and Chris Waterson of www.sheepfarm.co.uk

They’ve released at least seven lengthy podcasts in the broad topic of the influential, multigenerational Huxley family.

I think it’s not unreasonable to attribute some of the philosophical shape of the globalist tyrants to the Huxleys.

Their approach is to see the world & everything in it as mechanical and natural as opposed to created and having spiritual dimensions.

There’s no way to separate the Huxleyan view of humans as no different from animals & their eugenic views.

When we hear Schwab, Harari and others, you are definitely listening for the “Echoes of the Huxleys”.

This of course didn’t start with the Huxley family. There doesn’t appear to be an earliest time, before which there wasn’t a group of privileged people in Britain (principally England) and North America who had a dim view of their fellow humans.

It may be that the first time a powerful group of people gathered & began to formulate their ideas about how to build control systems over others, was when the Lunar Society of Birmingham was established. This was mid to late 18th century, before the American Declaration of Independence. A number of people claim that the very same notions of covert domination of others through formation of relationships between the wealthy and powerful “elites” goes back much earlier still.

Scrolling forward, we see repeatedly the same basic phenomenon. The self-appointed “elites” (I call them “The Useless Eliters”, because it is them alone who are genuinely a waste of oxygen and a dominant expression of evil in the world. I eventually found it impossible to reconcile the open-ended planning and scheming of several, multigenerational families and foundations of formerly ultra-wealthy individuals, always to dominate, control harm almost everyone else on earth, with anything else but a diabolical mindset, retained down the centuries. Whether rational or not, at the same time, for me in summer 2021, I felt a renewal of faith in an overarching goodness of God. The principal effect on me from regarding the Useless Eliters as extraordinarily dark is the counterbalancing lightness of the power of good, which has all but washed away any fear. These people may be able to crush my physical body, but not my soul. I do not consent.

If this is relatively new to you, I recommend Sheepfarm podcasts as a very listenable source. They come at this with an exclusively secular approach, by the way.


The Waterson brothers aren’t doing this for money. However, there are modest costs associated with running a website and creating & curating podcasts. So, members get access to entire podcasts and can also download for offline listening. This is ideal if you travel long distances or can accompany manual work by listening.

Membership is a peppercorn amount. It’s one of very few things I chose to pay for. Generally, there’s a huge excess of good material to read or listen to, so I generally pass on commercially firewalled material.

Many of you will be aware of deep researcher, Alan Watt (who died in March 2021).


(important: not to be confused with Englishman, Alan Watts. Alan Watt spoke with a gentle, Scottish accent).

There is an incredible archive of material at this site. It’s a nonprofit so a multitude of small donations is their principal source to keep them going. I first recall listening to a long podcast by Alan Watt when I was doing some painstaking repairs in a property & I had it on for something interesting to listen to.

Here’s a overview from Alan, recorded 2010:


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Jul 8Edited

The conceptual angle, I strongly believe, is provided through Mark/Carus/Bogdanov/Vernadsky, representing Purpose/Ethics/Organisation/Observation, where the organisational aspect later materialised through general systems theory - though adaptive management in general describes Bogdanov's Tektology.

Agreed that Julian Huxley is deeply involved, a core agent of theirs of likely breathtaking intelligence level, but I don't think the Huxley clan - incl his 'bulldog' father - represent the skeletal institution, because it ultimately all travels through arbitrary definitions of 'Global Ethics', through which future governance will be directed. And that's where Carus comes into play, because he fused science with religion (through ethics), and then chaired the 1893 parliament on world's religions which launched the 'interfaith movement', eventually leading to Kung's 1993 'Global Ethic'.

But I don't actually think it's necessary to identify the root, which likely would take a long, long time regardless, especially as sourcing documents before certainly the 1960s become increasoingly difficult.

What we have essentially witnessed through the 1893 event to contemporary times is a paradigm shift - the most powerful way per Donalla Meadows of Club of Rome fame to change the behaviour of systems - and I have the feeling that this document itself might well be useful in the search for the most effective intervention to stop this train, because i don't think contemporary approaches have been very succesful, from climate change, covid vaccines, or obvious corporate united nations corruption.

Consequently, the search for the disrupter becomes a search for the most effective intervention in the system they've progressively built up over the years.

With you on the God aspect, ftr. My wife's religious and I've had a number of talks with the priest in that regard, because as Jordan Peterson - perhaps a bit simplified - says, hell is definitely real so there must be a heaven, too.


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Thank you. I agree that attempting to identify “the root” isn’t likely to get us far. Awareness of what is likely in our future and resolving to resist is a good & essential thing.

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If the digital citizenship is adopted from the memberstates of United Nations in September the foundation of global technocracy, psychocracy and scientocracy is finished.

With all this catastrophism and solidarity-talk my guess is, that most politicians do really not know what they are doing, if they say yes to the Global Digital Compact and Compact for the Future.

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The humanist heritage in english-speaking culture was always an eugenic agenda. Transhumanists = eugenics.

That's the key. After 100 years and having finished the agenda for the next 100 years they open up the archives to make historical research possible.

The pattern is repeating again 100 years later - in a fractal way.

Well-educated white liberals with the approach of global governance are repeating colonialisation through digital transformation.

Declare humanity to the virus, the cancer for the planet. Declare that everybody has to change his/her culture, lifestyle - for profiting in the new biodigital economy where nature inclusive human beings is the capital, the ressource you make money with.


Biodigital controll for all to reach the totalitarian political goal net-zero. + There is no alternative (TINA-policy since Margret Thatcher).

European Commission is doing a very bad job.

The Digital Freedom Pass: Emancipation from digital slavery

Dennis Snower / 22 Aug 2018

Digital identity management is currently undertaken by central identity providers, with users providing their data free to digital networks that own their digital identities. If users leave their digital networks, they must leave all their digital possessions, including their digital identities, behind. This system is analogous to slavery. It is neither efficient nor equitable. Users have no assurance that the value of the free data they provide bears any relation to the value of the free services they receive. The digital networks have overwhelming market power relative to their users. This column argues for reform in the form of a Digital Freedom Pass, – the digital equivalent of a wallet containing verified pieces of an individual’s digital identity. The person can then choose which identification to share, with whom, and when, allowing emancipation from our current digital slavery.


Dennis Snower

Senior Research Fellow Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford; Non-residential Senior Fellow Brookings Institution; President Global Solutions Initiative; Professorial Research Fellow, Institute of New Economic Thinking and Visiting Professor, University College Oxford University Of Oxford


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Microsoft is building up the planetary computer. Startin in spring 2020. The most important thing of "health system".


We are not prepared, because we don't have already this planetary computer we want.

You have to translate the biosociological language. Socio-culture and biological dimensions are always one.

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See the book "Religion Without Revelation" by Julian Huxley (1927, 1956), which describes the tenets of the humanist/materialist religion:

"For my own part, the sense of spiritual relief which comes from rejecting the idea of 'God' as a supernatural being is enormous. I see no other way of bridging the gap between the religious and the scientific approach to reality... "


This aligns with the original "Humanist Manifesto" (1933):

"Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created... Humanism asserts that the nature of the universe depicted by modern science makes unacceptable any supernatural or cosmic guarantees of human values..."


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read up on Paul Carus, because he fused science into religion in the late 19th century, and then chaired the 1893 parliament on world's religions which was straight from hell itself

but the entire huxley clan - and especially julian, who his father must have been very proud of - is suspect in my book, and definitely wedded to the narrative.

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A European planetary health policy

Finally, it was the COVID-19 crisis that triggered fundamental change in financial resources becoming available to tackle common challenges in the EU. To consolidate this process, it is vital to embed the goal of climate neutrality in the broader ambition of tackling the risks and seizing the opportunities of the Anthropocene. As a response to the coronavirus pandemic, the EU should develop a European planetary health policy (Whitmee and Haines, 2015). Initial tasks include building the capability and infrastructure for real-time monitoring of European health dynamics, initiating rapid large-scale contact tracking and testing, the cross-border transfer of medical equipment, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, step-wise development of health-conscious socio-ecological systems and expanding the global professional information exchange beyond intergovernmental channels.


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Perspectives of Planning.

Jantsch, Erich

This document presents papers and discussions from an OECD-sponsored conference of international experts on forecasting and planning techniques. The 15 papers discuss the need for planning and its relationship to some major feature of society such as technology, information systems, organizations, government, or social change. In addition to commentaries on the conference by eight respondents, this volume contains the Bellagio Declaration on Planning, a document endorsed by all participants, which emphasizes the necessity of planning in the creation of a future society. (RA)

Descriptors: Conferences, Decision Making, Information Systems, International Programs, Organization, Planning, Program Budgeting, Social Planning, Social Problems, Systems Approach, Technological Advancement, Theories

OECD Publications Center, Suite 1305, 1750 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington D.C. 20006. (N. 24, 421-1969, $12.00) https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED044791

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1968 The Bellagio declaration on planning



An OECD symposium on long-range forecasting and planning was held at Bellagio, Italy, 27 October–2 November 1968, as a result of interest expressed by industrial and governmental circles in the subject of technological forecasting. The participants felt unanimously that a declaration should be made on the significance of planning at the present stage of social and economic development and on the necessity to develop it in such a way as to take account of social conditions and individual values.

Papers presented by participants at the symposium will be published by the OECD under the title “Perspectives of planning” (1969).


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