Become a vaccine developer in 36 days
Occasionally, you come across material that rather crazy, you suspect the lunatics indeed do run the asylum. At other times, material will emerge which leave no doubt that this indeed is the case.
And that is where TransVac enters the frame.
Funded through a range of EU grant programmes, the intend is for TransVac to accelerate EU vaccine development and training. Sounds a noble goal, no?
Well, strap in. Because things are about to get a little crazy.
Let’s get the intro out of the way. Kicked off via the 7th framework programme of the European Committee. The FP7 as a program, ran between the years 2007-2013. In other words, it completed now a full decade ago.
The FP7 grant can be located here, total budget for the initial stage was just short of 12m Euros, and it launched in 2009. Coordinated by the European Vaccine Initiative. We’ll get back to them in a minute, believe you me.
The project was renewed for a second season, and that grant came to a total of 14.5m Euros. You can find that grant here. I aim to please. You can probably use the same phrase to describe TransVac, though replace ‘aim’ with ‘main’.
From their own page - ‘New Vaccines Faster’. At least it doesn’t shroud intent in a cloud of buzzwords, which is really common in a lot of papers I read. Unfortunately, that’s about the only positive think I can say about this initiative.
You see, TransVac operate a vaccine development training program. Though they currently have no open calls, we can still take a look at the modules they offered only a few years ago.
And it doesn’t take long before it starts veering off the track; the eligibility criteria -
‘Candidates must preferably already possess training in the area of vaccine research and development…‘
No requirement! You don’t actually need past training or topical education. It’s a nice to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The training modules can be found here. It consists of 14 modules, which they brand their ‘vaccine pipeline’ - take a look
Helpfully, they also provide a schedule, which is somewhat easier to grasp. Here it is, and it clearly outlines the titles of the 14 modules, and when these ran… which they did, all they way up through mid-2020. Hypothetically, this program could easily have trained vaccine developers, who went on to contribute to those god-awful Covid-19 ‘vaccines’.
It all starts to make sense…
Click on a few, and further detail is revealed… like module timeline, which institute organise the event, … and minimum requirement for admission… which in these cases, appears perhaps slightly low on virtually all counts.
Arranging these 14 modules in a spreadsheet for clarity gives somewhat of an overview of the whole process. Because of the 14 modules, only 3 require training which can’t be picked up via Udemy. No, really. Here’s the page again, feel free to double check for yourself. In fact, I always invite that you do, it’s why I source everything.
The entire course - assuming you have said, required, education - can be completed in 36 days flat - a number, which includes a number of half-days, and where some modules furthermore can be completed from the comfort of your own home in front of a computer. No, really.
Furthermore, of the 3 modules requiring any realistic level of qualified background, 2 could potentially be done without involving a senior educational facility - like, say, oh I don’t know - a University, perhaps. Module 10 is the only one, which expressly requires at least a relevant batchelors degree.
Perhaps this all wouldn’t appear so bad, were it not for the fact that the UK launched their 100 day mission initiative in June, 2021 (at the G7 meeting on the beach in Cornwall).
Of course, that really was just the national version of CEPI’s similar call. Other nations have followed suit, including the United States.
I touch upon the Biden order - specifically, executive order 13,997 (‘Improving and Expanding Access to Care and Treatments for COVID-19‘) - in this article
Personally, I find this training process not just a little bit odd, but seemingly also reckless and grossly irresponsible. Vaccine development should pretty much be the most difficult qualification to attain, not only because of potential adverse outcomes experienced by the perhaps millions or billions of recipients years down the line, but also because compensatory standards are terrifyingly bad — also factoring in that big phrma receive blanket legal immunity for these products, even - or perhaps especially - accelerated ones. But instead, the governments and regulatory authorities go the other way, and cut the regulatory framework, and speedily approve virtually untested vaccines for which no long-term data exist whatsover, ones, even, utilising brand new technology. This is opening up society to a potential of cataclysmic damage down the road, while big pharma cash in checks paid for by those same recipients. It’s completely and utterly indefensible in my book. For the politicians and regulatory agencies to even contemplate anything but prioritising safety is breathtakingly reckless, at best, and potentially utterly corrupt at worst.
And that’s now yet another reason why I’m not touching those ‘vaccines’ with a 50-ft barge pole.
A quick search for the origin of the initiative takes you here. The European Vaccine Initiative. As we discovered above, they act as coordinators. Here’s their general assembly.
I took the liberty to look into the background of these candidates, and I’m sure you will be just shocked to discover that most has a background of pushing vaccines - from employees of big pharma, through to governments. I’ve seen these sort of constructions on a number of occasions, and they always worry me - because who’s there to ask the tough questions of this lot of cheerleading vaccine enthusiasts?
Specifically, where I encountered it in the past was in relation to Heidi Larson’s Global Listening Project, where senior staff exclusively count vaccine pushers. But I can source other examples, another example being the cherry-picked conributors to the ‘independent’ Mission Zero review, which, if anything, highlights a total mockery of a review process.
Mission: Zero Independence
And, further - Biden’s Executive Order story above also outlines a science council, completely packed with people of an expedient ideology. It’s not just incessantly dishonest… it’s fraud. It’s got to be. This cannot possibly be accidental.
Where are the agencies, supposed to stop this insanity? Where’s Paul Ehrlich? Public Health England? How come the EMA won’t do their duty, and scrutinise these arrangements - isn’t that why they’re there, isnt that why our taxes fund these organisations, you might wonder.
But when you click on their ‘partners’ page, it suddenly clicks. It all makes sense.
Because what you see… is express evidence of revolving doors in action.
Every major pharmaceutical corporation, it appears, has joined forces with the regulatory agencies - and they are the ones collaborating on this project. Together.
Yes, the people working in regulatory capacity, the ones who are paid through your taxes, are actively collaborating with big pharma, to protect… whose interests, exactly? Oh yeah, the 100 day initiative. That should be quite clear.
I originally trawled this information live on Twitter. And you know what happened within a minute of posting the above information?
That’s right. In spite of issuing no threats, using any profanities, or granting any even remotely legitimate reason for taking such action, the tweet was censored, and when clicking ‘learn more’, I was suggested deleting it.
I didn’t, because I wanted to know exactly of which Twitter rule I broke - so instead I appealed the decision. To my great surprise, support saw it my way, and the tweet was restored!
However, what this does mean is that either someone was watching me post that in realtime, and immediately filed a complaint for ‘hateful conduct’ (which it clearly isn’t), or the process was automatic, running off detecting websites and certain keywords. Personally, I believe the former, but cannot prove of course. And further, I can absolutely see some shill organisation working on behalf of big pharma, attempting to stamp out any information which endangers the bottom lines of said sponsor. In fact, I would be very surprised if that was not the case.
Heading back to the EVI, they also have a ‘portfolio’ page, where present product developments are on display. Here it is.
I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of appreciative of that page. Because those are all products, which I under absolutely no circumstances would ever accept, or allow injected into a loved one.
It’s reckless to the extreme in my book.
Unfortunately, however, the EVI doesn’t appear to quite agree with me. To me - on the background of lacking educational standards, combined with a a reduced research, development, manufacturing and testing cycle - this next screen capture comes across like nothing short of a sick joke -
And, frankly, I wouldn’t rule out that it indeed is a joke. Not just because of the SDG line (though I must admit that I did find that somewhat humorous), but because the organisational structure below appears almost identical to the one I highlighted in the Biden EO article.
The EVI General Assembly we saw above, and the science committee? Yeah, that’s chock full of vaccine salesmen, too, I bet.
Couple that with the initiative collaborating with the regulatory agencies, and there appears quite literally not a single person looking out for the interests of the common prole, those targeted by those (per above) - ‘New affordable safer better vaccines’.
As for TransVac, recall how I originally stated early on that this was all funded under two EU grants, both of which have now expired. Yeah, they wrote a conclusive report on the matter, and needless to say, their failure to even spell TransVac correctly doesn’t inspire much confidense.
But unfortunately, it’s not all good news. It would appear they output 400 potential disasters before they finally shut down the operation.
As for vaccines, produced by people who have received said training, I will leave you with a quote by Nancy Reagan -