Miss Digital ID goes to Georgetown
I previously covered Georgetown, and their plans for global surveillance here.
And I previously covered Clare Sullivan here, who’s a key player in the drive towards digital IDs.
But are those connected? Is there a way to directly connect the two - because digital IDs are not just essential in the drive towards CBDCs (which we’ll get to later), but they’re also a key component in the drive towards the global surveillance state.
For this, we need to go back to Georgetown’s ‘Office of the senior Vice President for Research’ group. There’s no need to waste time here, let’s head to the team page.
Direct hit. Clare Sullivan works for the very same group, which seeks to push through global surveillance. In fact, not only does she work for this group, she worked with the United Nations in 2016, in regards to Digital ID, and the specific SDG 16.9, considering ‘legal identity for all’. Read the other post on this - this is so obviously meant as in ‘digital identity’.
2016 is furthermore interesting for a number of reasons. It’s also the year the World Organisation for Governance and Competitiveness (WOGC) came into the limelight. I’m yet to cover this group, but in the context of Sullivan going to the UN to work on this framework, it makes perfect sense why China would attempt to hijack this initiative.
It’s because the explicit aim of the WOGC was to launch the WADCC; The Global Asset Digital Encryption Committee. Senior members of the CCP are well aware of the danger, subscribing to a Digital ID - which the west controls - which will ultimately lead to a CBDC, also controlled by the west. Makes perfect sense.
Much more palatable to control the system yourself, and hence why they sent a mission to the UN.
But, back on the main track here.
Georgetown University, who spearheaded the work on the global surveillance network employes the very woman, who worked very hard to push through Digital IDs - starting with Tony Blair’s National ID scheme back in 2006.
There are just a few more bits left here - shoring up the digital ID technology through Adam Cooper and the ID2020, and to see how all of this was pushed through the EU by Thierry Breton, who another bureaucrat with the overaching goal of wanting to protect you. And he did so, working with the highly influential power-couple that is Heidi Larson and Peter Piot.
And then finally, detail the WOGC story, because that furthermore ties in with China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and their geostrategic imperative.