Thanks, great research. Grok (Twitter/X's AI program) replied when asked, "What is the role of the Bio-Cyber Interface Human Physical layer in 6G?":
The role of the bio cyber interface in the context of 6G is to facilitate a seamless integration of the human body with the digital world, enabling advanced applications and services that were previously unimaginable. This integration is achieved through the deployment of nano-nodes, and the establishment of a Medical Body Area Network (MBAN), which allows for the transmission of data and information within the human body, using the terahertz band, particularly beneficial for intra-body, nano networks and in vivo wireless nano sensor networks (iWNSNs).
The bio cyber interface is part of the broader Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) architecture, which aims to create a network of interconnected nano-devices within the human body, enabling applications such as real-time health monitoring, targeted drug delivery, and even cognitive enhancement. This network is supported by the 6G technology, which provides the necessary infrastructure for high speed, low latency communication between these nano devices and external systems.
Musk is a Trojan Horse just like many others are. I have no idea how we the people will hold off the New World Order. The sad thing is, you have idiots who have been brainwashed into believing the New World Order is a GOOD thing.
Thanks, great research. Grok (Twitter/X's AI program) replied when asked, "What is the role of the Bio-Cyber Interface Human Physical layer in 6G?":
The role of the bio cyber interface in the context of 6G is to facilitate a seamless integration of the human body with the digital world, enabling advanced applications and services that were previously unimaginable. This integration is achieved through the deployment of nano-nodes, and the establishment of a Medical Body Area Network (MBAN), which allows for the transmission of data and information within the human body, using the terahertz band, particularly beneficial for intra-body, nano networks and in vivo wireless nano sensor networks (iWNSNs).
The bio cyber interface is part of the broader Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) architecture, which aims to create a network of interconnected nano-devices within the human body, enabling applications such as real-time health monitoring, targeted drug delivery, and even cognitive enhancement. This network is supported by the 6G technology, which provides the necessary infrastructure for high speed, low latency communication between these nano devices and external systems.
Thank you for highlighting the arrogance and complete lack of ethics of this fiend.
Musk is a Trojan Horse just like many others are. I have no idea how we the people will hold off the New World Order. The sad thing is, you have idiots who have been brainwashed into believing the New World Order is a GOOD thing.