ESG: The Social License to Operate
This is a continuation of the topic of ESGs, and how this initiative will be used to choke off access to the market for all but the select few. The very same few who draft the regulation, and sell highly specialised - and expensive - compliance services to the very same SME they seek to destroy.
ESG: The social credit system for business
I’m sure you already now realise how this will be used to protect you. But either way, how about this Social License to Operate.
Yes, really. In the future, you will need one of these to operate a business. It’s just a matter of time.
First off - the definition is not static. It changes. Some bureaucrat will decide whether you conform to the contemporary rules, be they climate change, diversity, or quantity of pantomime horses during Christmas parties.
Regardless, ‘The Social Licence to Operate’ drags in another term; the "B Corp".
In short, a 'B Corp' is a corporation, which lives up to some stringent set of standards... which are set by the "B Lab".
Yeah, they even have hierarchical structures just waiting for you in this space. It’s all planned well in advance, to increase their profits, and to protect you.
Their homepage can be found here. 'Be a force for good', Sounds almost Google-ish; ‘Do no evil’. We all know what happened to that down the line.
Anyway, who sponsors 'B Lab', you reckon? I’ll spoil the surprise already - it's a bunch of 'philanthropic' foundations.
Their chief executive is Eleanor Allen - hash tag social justice, global citizen, environment, sustainability, etc.
Did you vote for this? Did anyone vote for this?
And here’s their European counterpart. A ‘regenerative influencer’, whatever the hell that means.
In short, and skipping the cynicism - these are the sort of initiatives which in the future will police whether you are allowed to operate a business. Yes, really. And those initiatives are penned by… well, let’s hold that thought for a minute.
They will be able to put you out of business for absolutely any given reason, and there will be virtually nothing you can do about it, apart from paying them expensive contracting fees. It’s a 1920s Chicago protection racket.
The aim is to rip you off, and put you out of business. They might not state so explicitly, but that is the effect this will have - and please spare me telling me that it’s not their intent. I refuse to believe anyone is rather that stupid.
This article further has a mention of the 'Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)', an initiative of the EU, which you can find here.
And - in this regard - they always word these initiatives in the most flattering light... typically by lying.
‘Better protection of human rights’. For whom? By whom? Because I certainly do not want my ‘human rights’ patrolled by these vultures.
Too bad I don’t get to vote on it, no?
But there’s a separate angle of exploitation in this regard. Because while they will deny you a right to trade for spurious reasons (unless you pay your protection fees), they will simultaneously ‘invest’ in companies - subsidised by the EU and the likes, ie, the taxpayer - who will steal your clients. All they have to do to make your product unaffordable, is to charge you lunatic amounts of money for fake compliance efforts.
And they will. They will. They absolutely will. Every time something this easily abused is launched, it’s just a matter of times.
Usually minutes.
It’s fraud, and monopolism, and these corporations and foundations need to be broken up right this very second.
Bill Gates and his fellow billionaires, for instance, have their own initiative specifically setup for this purpose.
There is nothing democratic about this, and that's by intent.
There is no honest discussion about it, and that's by intent.
There is no way to remove any of this, and that's by intent.
Executive, but with no responsibility - and that’s by intent.
So when you see Farage lose his bank account -- why did it happen? Because he fell short of the ESG rules.
Farage vs ESG
And who set those rules? Well, that questioned was partially answered in the below article, should you not have read it already. But if they can push the squeeze on Coutt's, they can absolutely, and definitely do it to you.
And they will - it’s just a matter of time.
ESG: The social credit system for business
ESG rules are NOT drafted by the electorate, nor MPs. They are drafted by working groups, and the likes, chock full of 'stakeholder' representatives and the associated organisations are all funded by tax exempt foundations - and there is absolutely no democratic oversight.
Whether you wish to call this system 'fascism' or 'communism' doesn't matter, not even in the slightest. Because once you've handed over power to the unelected, you will not get it back, and they will do as they damn please. You’ve become an observer, and will now have to observe what they choose to do to you.