Since a long time it's the same game: Restrict or limit the financial ressources of UN-initiative, for example through exit out of WHO, UNESCO as the U.S. did several time and you have garanteed the excess for global foundations or companies.
Marc Carney's (Bank of England) speech about "Inclusive Capitalism" in 2014, one year before the agreement to the SDG's in 2015:
Financial reform and rebuilding social capital
Central banks’ greatest contribution to inclusive capitalism may be driving financial reforms that are helping
to re-build the necessary social capital.
In doing so, we need to recognise the tension between pure free market capitalism, which reinforces the
primacy of the individual at the expense of the system, and social capital which requires from individuals a broader sense of responsibility for the system. A sense of self must be accompanied by a sense of the
Since a long time it's the same game: Restrict or limit the financial ressources of UN-initiative, for example through exit out of WHO, UNESCO as the U.S. did several time and you have garanteed the excess for global foundations or companies.
The track goes back to 1984 and the withdrawal
The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is now at 10,5 trillions under asset.
Marc Carney's (Bank of England) speech about "Inclusive Capitalism" in 2014, one year before the agreement to the SDG's in 2015:
Financial reform and rebuilding social capital
Central banks’ greatest contribution to inclusive capitalism may be driving financial reforms that are helping
to re-build the necessary social capital.
In doing so, we need to recognise the tension between pure free market capitalism, which reinforces the
primacy of the individual at the expense of the system, and social capital which requires from individuals a broader sense of responsibility for the system. A sense of self must be accompanied by a sense of the
systemic. All speeches are available online at
Consider four financial reforms that are helping to create this sense of the systemic and thereby rebuild trust in the system.