Thank you, this is a good fit to my piece entitled “A hill to die on”, which is about how cashless CBDC & digital ID form a mesh of entrapment from which there is no escape.
I cannot think of any other reason why the Useless Eliters are pursuing these objectives with such fervency.
It’s an evil objective.
I sense it struck a chord with many readers, because I’ve had more comments below it than on anything else I’ve ever written or said since 2020.
And I’ve written some inflammatory things since then!
Thank you, this is a good fit to my piece entitled “A hill to die on”, which is about how cashless CBDC & digital ID form a mesh of entrapment from which there is no escape.
I cannot think of any other reason why the Useless Eliters are pursuing these objectives with such fervency.
It’s an evil objective.
I sense it struck a chord with many readers, because I’ve had more comments below it than on anything else I’ve ever written or said since 2020.
And I’ve written some inflammatory things since then!