The IA2030 core principle of partnership
This follows on from Heidi Larson’s latest scam, the Global Listening Project.
Luc Debruyne’s paper ‘Improving access to human papillomavirus vaccines’ raised an interesting question. What exactly is this core principle of partnership?
IA2030 refers to the ‘Immunization Agenda 2030’, because yes, there’s a vaccination strategy in place as well. At this point, I won’t cover this in detail, because this is the public consumption version of the document. See, these organisations have a pattern of operation, and it’s to never give away the detail in the most immediate format. Ever.
If the people knew, they would reject it. ‘Everyone is protected by full immunization’ - what do you think this means? Does it mean you are protected, or does it mean mandatory vaccination? And ‘all countries have a reliable supply’. That sounds like an awesome deal for big pharma. And who will pay?
They even took the time to cook up this happy chart. ‘Leave no-one behind’. Mandatory vaccination, perchance? Because it’s not a remote thought to these people.
Oh, and ‘Understand and respond to public concern’. Now, do you see where the ‘Global Listening Project’ slots in?
Anyway, from where does this particular spawn of satan originate? Well, where else. They do it to protect you.
And the document was released on April 1, 2020. I mean, all these coincidences are just an absolute joke by now. They don’t even have the full set of data in at the time of writing, yet include covid-19 in the document.
Finally, the WHO site finishes off by identifying the relevance of the document to the SDGs. It’s SDG 3.b, specifically.
Read it, then read it again. This is a blank check for big pharma. They demand the public pays for the R&D, and in return, big pharma will cash in with total impunity; vaccination damage will also be paid by the public. This is absolutely outrageous in itself, but it continues that we furthermore in effect have to subsidise vaccines and other medicals to developing countries.
Who the hell could ever sell out their own nation in this way? Every single Western politician who read this and signed anyway needs to be held to account for this alone.
IA2030 has its own website here. The website was registered in September, 2019 (yes, really), and first cached version in early April, 2020 - which lines up exactly with the WHO document.
The page has all sorts of information and documentation. Speaking of documents, here’s one. ‘Sustainable Financing for Immunization’.
I will sum up the first page here - the public should give the private lots of money to develop vaccines. No, really - read for yourself.
It’s furthermore claimed to be a prerequisite for economic security. That’s another of those principles - sell anything and everything in terms of its alleged financial worth to you. Never comes true, but doesn’t stop the trick from working.
In fact, this is one of those few, exceptional documents that I recommend you read, specifically because it’s just so obvious what they’re doing.
‘Vaccines are a public good, so the public should pay big pharma lots of money’. How about ‘no’?
Beyond this, the document spends more time discussing ‘donor alignment’ and ‘public-private-partnerships’, then displaying legitimate concern for people’s wellbeing outside a few canned, and much over-used phrases.
And who’s involved? GAVI, Global Fund, GFF, GAP for healthy lives. 12 multilateral organisations all trying to protect you.
And the key message really is hammered home.
It’s essential to shareholder value.
Onto the various funds mentioned. Global Fund first - you will never guess who founded it. Yes, Gates. Obviously.
As for the GFF, it’s a SDG partnership. Let’s look at who put up the money. All this altruism, right? A bunch of governments, UN organisations like WHO and GAVI (sponsored by Gates), and Gates again.
As for the Global Action Plan? GAVI, WHO, GFF, Global Fund, … it doesn’t really matter, does it? Because those names are entirely interchangeable. They’re all part of the same team. And they’re all financed by Gates and all the other ‘Foundations’, it’s just a question of which names you find in this particular instance.
Back to the core principles, because the webpage supplies these four. ‘Partnership based’ we just went through. ‘Country owned’ basically translates to the WHO holding nations accountable for sticking to target, ie, enforcement. So much for national sovereignty.
‘People centered’ is a fairly disgusting abuse of the word, as we here straight up see that the likes of SAGE, and their nazi-era behavioural science propaganda techniques are lauded. And - naturally - this all needs to be tied to a massive operation, gathering data on literally anything semi/related.
The final principle is ‘Data-guided’, which tied in with the above. However, rather than retrace that argument, let’s move past, because one section in the document delivers this absolute peach, which ties in with the Georgetown atrocity - Global Surveillance.
‘The data needs to be… integrated with surveillance systems’.
So, tying in with the prior article on the Global Listening Project, this is one long advocacy for all the things which facitate an endless supply of ‘vaccines’ pumped into the arm of every living person on the planet.
It’s to protect you. It always is.