thanks again top research.


> VICTORIA — While the New Democrats launched their consultation on changes to the Land Act without letting the public in on the secret, they did alert some corporations, industry associations and other interest groups.

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you are so right! Technocracy (1920s), Cybernetics (1950s) and onward.

I believe that you overplay communism because it is larger than that. Communism, socialism, fascism, democracy are all fine with the money power and international business owners because they all lead to control of the underlying system of governance which is the desired goal. That is how David Rockefeller (capitalist and money owner) can promote China. (If anyone thinks that democracy is different, show me an audit of the private federal reserve ever. Financial Accounting Standards 56 were changed in 2019 so that no accounting of important government departments is now necessary. Democracy is an illusion that has replaced a promised republican system with inalienable rights. The hens under the guard of the foxes are not even counted anymore. We know where this ends and a similar fate awaits We the People.)

Additionally, the size of the control is underestimated by limiting it to taxes. Who knows how much money is created by the private federal reserve. A large amount is through credit and guarantees. 10 billion dollars can be lent out to friends like during covid and have it paid back in time after companies and control is established. Witness Google and Facebook started with CIA money and the big players doubling their wealth during covid while main street suffered loss..

Great work of yours!!!

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i generally use all terms describing collectivism somewhat loosely, precisely because once those corrupt few are in power, they can - and will - do with you as they see fit

having said that, more of these traits are similar to Marxism of the past than, say, fascism. but, again, discussing which flavour really is akin to debating which horse is the better looking in the glue factory.

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your detailed description of undefined words and over-riding arbitrary rule could equally apply to the judicial system process set up in the US.

It is one big operation pretending to be by us little people and for us. Just like to turkeys on a farm until Thanksgiving day approaches. Expect similar results!

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i dont disagree that justice is heavily distorted, but what you see at present is nothing compared to what they plan.

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I am neck deep in this stuff in the developing world and I can say its all circular and even smart people at the development banks don't seem to understand how it all goes together and meanwhile the trees get cut down, the indigenous people get shafted, the rubbish piles up, the sewage gets dumped and its all really directed by the powerful corps/families who don't care or understand building for the long term, only the rate of return and efficient deployment of capital and managing the gullible young western graduates who get put in charge of overseas donor programs. Some of this system thinking is useful (if you don't think that way naturally - most people are linear thinkers) and land reform is the spark that can light the fire of productivity in farming but all of it so often fails because the mindset of the people from top to bottom is short term, greedy and selfish and moreover there is no concept of "commons" like irrigation maintenance, forest reserves etc. Poverty and low IQ does this to people. The consciousness of a people can change but the young (although they know how to work) don't know how to think.

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I see death and destruction and enslavement similar to that of Stalin, Mao, Great Britain, etc. It will make what is being done to Gaza seem humane.

You have shown how well planned and brought about this intended prison for us is. A similar commitment has been made to take from, harvest and then dispose of us. Very few realize this.

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