The UN "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UDHR) has always been an instrument of deception. At the end of this list of noble sounding platitudes, we find this caveat:

"Sec 29.3: These 'rights' and 'freedoms' may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." Source: un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights

So much for the alleged freedom of thought, speech, movement, etc for anyone who dares to challenge the authoritarian policies of the UN organization and its network of "partners".

Consider the "pandemic emergency" powers of the UN World Health Organization. Any attempts to exercise free speech "rights" in opposition to such policies would be "contrary to the purposes" of the UN organization. The same applies to the anti-democratic UN "global governance" and "sustainable development" agendas, the self-proclaimed "peacekeeping missions", etc.

Who has defined the "purposes and principles" of the UN organization since its inception? How are these groups organized and what are their true objectives? That is the question.

Eleanor Roosevelt, founder of "Freedom House" and chief promoter of the UDHR, was also a promoter of the Lucis Trust and their "Great Invocation". See article at the Lucis Trust website:


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Got something that might interest you, or given your stellar research, you'll likely already be aware of this.

Worldcoin is gaining traction. It literally involves selling biometric ID in exchange for cryptocurrencies.


Poor stupid people are flocking to it. Investigators, naturally, refuse to investigate. Tangible threat, too.

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The last time I heard ‘A Living Document in a Changing World‘ it was from a boa constrictor tightening at every exhalation until there were no more exhalations.

All this planning and placement and enforcement has poisoned the well irreparably. Drop it and take care of yourselves.

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If you want to break the United States, you cut off its support (Russia was a mutual ally until communism; France was often an ally until its Freemasonry hierarchy documentation was taken by the Nazis, probably for British blackmail), turn it into the world police (95% of the Navy after WW2), and write a document that can be interpretted as making the new world police the villain. Of course, filter MI6 operations through the CIA, and a lot of horrible things certainly happen through those agencies, whether or not the U.S. populace even understands what is going on.

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There are no "human rights", only human needs. This is just a game of semantics.

Those parasites sell them as "rights" in order to pose as magnanimous policy makers, when their goal is really managing the herd through propaganda, threats and trauma for their own benefit. The only reason we are "interdependent" - much less than they tell us - and being sold a "universal" declaration is because we're stupid enough to be a part of their global system, which needs to go as soon as possible.

Their trick could not work if they called it the way it is, basic *needs*, because basic needs are self-evident and not very difficult to fulfill, whereas human "rights" are wide open to interpretation.

It only shows the true evil of collectivism, which is blackmail - without us, you wouldn't have a life, dignity, health and so forth and so on. Where it leads, Covid should not leave any doubt. Those who supposedly took the jab for everyone else learned it the hard way. They try to use the weakest elements in society to take down their worst enemies, people who can make a life for themselves. Sooner or later it'll come back to bite them in the ass.

We don't need those mediocre individuals nor their criminal institutions. They have never worked a single day in their entire life, nor have they accomplished anything valuable.

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Saw this and I agree.

There are no group rights, no LGBTQ rights, no aboriginal rights, no Caucasian rights, no rights to free stuff, etc. Neither are there Christian rights, Muslim rights, Jewish rights. THERE ARE NO GROUP-RIGHTS OF ANY KIND.

There are only Individual Rights.

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Thank you for this analysis. The jew has its hand all over this. Rothschild & Co hold humanity hostage since 1945. Gordon Brown is a useful shabbos goy and a mere distraction from the hidden hand of the jew.

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