It’s hard to disagree with ‘saving Planet Earth’, because what’s the alternative? And - as the case was with ‘The Patriot Act’ or ‘killing grannies’ during the alleged pandemic - the media will have a field trip with any politician daring to disagree.
It would have been convenient with a comprehensive chronology, but in practise, there are quite simply too many feeder events to list. And I’ve sat on this article for, realistically, no less than 6 months, never quite managing to complete it as one event or the other always came up requiring inclusion. It has even spawned a few separate articles (Climategate being one), as sections became far too long. But as I seek to wrap up, what you see is what you get. Consequently, some significant events may have been left out through intent - or lack of awareness.
But first, here’s an outline since Rio, 19921. I post this for two reasons. One - because my emphasis here is on the time leading up to the Earth Summit (after which coverage granularity declines), and two - with the financial markets dominating headlines in late 2009, and with a complicit media busy lying through their teeth about the ‘failure in Copenhagen’, COP152 was the event where our elected leaders through the Global Environment Facility (aka World Conservation Bank) first decided to give our taxes to the Major Foundations through blended finance charity.
Incidentally, Bert Bolin wrote just such a chronology3. But given this very same Bolin in 1976 in front of US Congress stated that they very knew little (apart from co2 being plant food), only for him to turn around, adding to the absurd 1979 World Climate Conference ‘Appeal to Nations’ rules him out as a trustworhy, impartial actor.
1892 The Sierra Club launches in the United States4.
’Recent goals include promoting sustainable energy and mitigating global warming, as well as opposing the use of coal, hydropower, and nuclear power.’1895 The National Trust is founded in the United Kingdom5.
’One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns almost 250,000 hectares (620,000 acres; 2,500 km2; 970 sq mi) of land and 780 miles (1,260 km) of coast’1912 Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves6.
Launched by Charles Rothschild.1919 Julian Huxley celebrates honeymoon on Rothschild Estate7.
Walter Rothschild, to be specific89.1936 Technocracy, Inc10 / The Energy Certificate11.
Key to understanding many events is the concept of the ‘energy certificate’, outlined by Technocracy, Inc in 1936. These, in essence, describe carbon-backed CBDCs. Sure, these were early, and with plenty of outstanding detail - but they grasped the fundamental idea.
Their ‘Study Course’ - penned by MK Hubbert, who ‘coincidentally’ also came up with the concept of ‘Peak Oil’ - further outlined the bidirectional chemical reaction later fused into the UNFCCC and the CBD - and the two carbon currencies they roll out at present.1948 The Conservation Foundation.
Ultimately merged with the WWF in 1990, this organisation experienced their heyday during especially the 60s and 70s, where the (heavily Rockefeller Foundation fundeed) foundation produced many studies on topics which would later prove useful. Incidentally, its founder (Henry Fairfield Osborn) was an ECOSOC associated eugenicist.1950-1990 The Discovery of Global Warming12.
Extensive collection of mispredictions and examples of climate alarmism.1950 The World Meteorogical Organisation13.
From early on called for satellite surveillance; worked on proposals leading to (Global Observation) GCOS/GOOS/GTOS14.1955 Plass’s Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change15.
Although first spoking of his theory in 1953, his pivotal paper was released in 1955. This marked the conceptual launch of contemporary climate zealotry.1956 MK Hubbert’s Peak Oil16.
In what can best be described as yet another astonishing ‘coincidence’, the co-author of the 1936 Technocracy Study Course (above) suddenly realises that we are rapidly running out of oil, and to that extent strongly called for better resource management and tracking (inventories and surveillance).
And this of course has nothing to do with the utility of the above, bi-directional chemical reaction, suggesting you can approximate energy consumption through the measuring of levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and thus curtail global energy consumption through ‘Net Zero’ stabilisation.1957 The Keeling Curve17.
Keeling’s measurements marked the practical launch of the climate operation. But what was less well-known is that it was launched through Roger Revelle18, who was up to his eyeballs with Rockefeller Foundation funding.1957 World Ozone Network19.
Would later go to discover the alleged hole in the Ozone layer.1961 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space20.
Announced immediately before Christmas, this called for the use of satellite communications with the ICSU, UNESCO and ITU in lead roles, for sakes of ‘advancing the state of atmospheric science’… incidentally coinciding with the CIA piloting CORONA spy satellites21.1962 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space22.
Requested the inclusion of NGOs into above ‘weather’ satellite program, ‘forecasting’ on a worldwide basis.1963 Rising Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere23.
The first dubious ‘carbon consensus’ was reached at an event hosted by the Rockefeller-funded Conservation Foundation, chaired by Fraser Darling. Only two actual climate scientists contributed (Keeling and Plass, both covered above), and the resulting output document contained absolutely no references serving to back up their absurd, alarmist claims - which nevertheless went on to serve as input document for ‘Restoring the Quality of Our Environment‘ from 1965 (below).1963 The Contingency Valuation Model24.
The valuation of recreational services began with a report out of Resources for the Future, incidentally the recipients of almost comedic levels of Ford and Rockefeller Foundation funding.1963 Towards a Conservation Ethic25.
It wasn’t yet a full, planetary ethic. But the ever-conflicted (Rockefeller funded) Conservation Foundation yet again delivered when it mattered.1964 International Biological Programme26.
Heavily influenced by the PEP and WWF associated Max Nicholson, this served a precursor to UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserves, related surveillance, Systems Ecology, and even Ecosystem Approach landscape management techniques.1965 Restoring the Quality of our Environment27.
Input document produced just in time for the December, 1965, White House ‘Conference on International Cooperation‘ event called out as staged by the ‘Report from Iron Mountain’ (with no time to perform independent review), this report framed… rather a lot of biased speculation as fact.1967 Global Atmospheric Research Programme2829.
With WMO satellites in orbit, the institutionalisation of global surveillance from outer space was progressing rapidly.1968 The UNESCO Biosphere Conference30.
Recommendation 6 specifically calls for global environmental surveillance, but all 20 are simply breathtaking considering its penning in 1968. The 20 further span resource inventories, with compatible data standards (R4-5), biosphere reserves (R15), environmental education (R9-13), zoonotic disease impact, environmental change, and the establishment of man’s well-being and his balance with nature (R2-3).1968 Standard Research Institute badly mispredicts the year 200031.
’Significant temperature changes are almost certain to occour by the year 2000 and these could bring about climatic changes’
There are many, many terrible predictions, but this one is important given various events coinciding in that same year. The mention of Roger Revelle further is of note, as he received a $1m grant courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1954 - which, at the time, constituted a colossal amount of money.1969 Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE)32.
Debated at the ICSU General Assembly in 1968, the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment formally launched in 1969. Viktor Kovda of the Soviet Union is an early, influential senior member.1969 The Moynihan September, 17 Memo33.
Largely misreported press release not only requests worldwide monitoring (global surveillance) for alleged sakes of environmental protection - but explicitly requests the engagement of NATO. And at the height of the Cold War, this should have raised more than an eyebrow in Moscow.1971 UNESCO Man and the Biosphere34.
Parent organisation of the Biosphere Reserves, which currently include an area of land the size of Australia35.1971 Report of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate36.
Claims of acid rain were hotly debated, and so2 in many ways served as a precursor to the co2 debate.1971 Air Pollution Across National Boundaries37.
Bert Bolin contributed to this early effort on what eventually led to the CLRTAP in late 1979.1971 Global Envoronment Monitoring (SCOPE 1)38.
SCOPE’s first report was commissioned by Maurice Strong for the 1972 Stockhold event, an event which led to the United Nations Environment Programme, and thus, the Global Environment Monitoring System.1972 US-USSR Cooperation on Environmental Protection39.
Should be one of the most widely disseminated documents in contemporary history, but it lives in the shadows of the SALT Agreement and the UNCED event in Stockholm. What Moscow and Washington DC agreed to was to perform ‘joint development and implementation in the fields of basic and applied sciences‘ for sakes of ‘controlling the impact of human activities on nature‘ through the development of ‘legal and administrative measures for protecting environmental quality‘.
Given contemporary trajectory, it appears highly likely this agreement should be investigated for facilitating outright treason.1972 Stockholm UNCED40.
Called for at the 1968 UNESCO Biosphere Conference, and chaired by Maurice Strong, this event launched the United Nations Environment Programme.1972 The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)41.
With an aim to allegedly predict the future, the IIASA are the world’s premier global modellers (General Systems Theory), performing Digital Twin analysis using global surveillance data.1973 Global Environment Monitoring System (SCOPE 3)42.
The level of detail in SCOPE's third report - relating to surveillance on a global scale for alleged sakes of environmental protection - is quite simply staggering.1974 UNEP/GC/2443.
Early negotiations relating to GEMS were highly aggressive. So much, in fact, that a number of representatives questioned motives at high-level events. This 1974 document is further noteworthy, because they already at this stage worked to include public health surveillance.1975 Belgrade Charter44.
At a time where absolutely no legit science existed whatsoever, and when scientists vigorously debated whether temperatures were increasing or decreasing, this charter - in addition to leading a charge for a ‘global ethic’ relating to environmentalism - also outlined ‘humanity’s place within the biosphere’, the role of ‘The New International Economic Order’, before outlining the educational objectives, adding this was to become a ‘life-long process’ and target the delivery of a ‘world population aware, and concerned about, the environment’.1975 Newsweek/NOAA - The Cooling World.
Though contemporary climate alarmists will deny, instead claiming it was the output of tabloid media, credible climate acolytes believed temperatures were dropping at the time. There’s even an episode of Twilight Zone on this topic.1975 IIASA paper on Carbon Pricing45.
The pivotal, first paper on carbon pricing was published in 1975, courtesy of the recently established International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.1976 Report of the North American Regional Seminar46.
In spite of the existence of little legit science on the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and with scientists in general in complete disagreement, the various international organisations started to plan the educational aspect. Included in deliberations were brainwashing through the mainstream media, which should also comprise ‘information on alternate lifestyles’, regardless of how absurd that would appear in context of environmental education.1976 Bert Bolin remarks in front of US Congress47.
The very man leading the climate narrative in the 1970s and 1980s - Bert Bolin - made an appearance in front of the US House of Representatives; a remarkable event at which he admitted that - apart from speculation - not only did they in fact know very little, but what they did know was that carbon dioxide led to accelerated plant growth.1976 United Nations Habitat48.
Among the very first documents in official UN capacity calling for the elimination of private property rights.1976 Science: A Resource for Humankind49.
Effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are stated as anything but certain, this time by the President of the ICSU, Gilbert White. Additionally details that Rockefeller fund research efforts on population control in less developed nations.1977 Clean Air Act50.
Having completed work on the basic mechanism, and with a first report detailing the pricing of carbon emissions, the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1977 included the ‘Prevention of Significant Deterioration‘, which involves phrasing related to offsetting, banking, and trading of emission.1978 IIASA Working Group51.
A comprehensive lack of understanding was revealed at this IIASA event, at which was concluded that - ’scientific confidence in models of that cycle is considerably less than it was ten years ago.’
In general, these reports constituted little more but outright guesswork, supported exclusively by the ‘precautionary principle’, only ever applied in one direction. And this followed on from a 1977 SCOPE workshop seeking to establish a ‘World Carbon Budget’ - at a time when virtually nothing was understood about the global carbon cycle.1979 First World Climate Conference52.
The first, implicit ‘carbon consensus’ was etablished at this invite-only event, organised by Foundation-funded ICSU. The contributors included absolutely no leading ‘skeptics’, and largely discussed policy - not science - with impeccable levels of relevance to future areas of policy decision.
And as soon as this ‘consensus’ was agreed upon, temperatures allegedly started to increase in an almost comedic, linear fashion - an absurdity in itself, as absolutely no pattern was indicated in temperature data until this point, a point repeatedly accepted in reports published through the early 80’s.1979 Three Mile Island53.
This vastly improbable, and highly exaggerated event incredibly took place, a mere months after the (at the time) highly anti-nuclear Union of Concerned Scientists released ‘The Nugget File’, a document containing a large amount of issues relating to safety, which ranged in scale from ‘minor’ to ‘irrelevancies’.1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)54.
Though frequently overlooked, this convention created the premise of trans-national air pollution, thus calling for international cooperation in the field of pollution of the global commons.1980 Air Pollution Offsets55.
The Conservation Foundation published a reference book on pollution offsetting, trading, and banking, which - interestingly - saw Barbara ‘Spaceship Earth’ Ward included in its list of trustees.1982 No temperature pattern established over 1960-1980 timeframe56.
Apocalypse is postponed by 90 years to 2090.1982 EPA - Offsetting57.
The EPA chief administrator at the time… 'Between 1981 and 1983, while known as Anne M. Gorsuch, she served under President Ronald Reagan ... Her son is sitting Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Neil Gorsuch'1982 World Charter for Nature58.
The 1979 CLRTAP led to the World Charter for Nature, which built upon the concept of transboundary air pollution in item 21d, but further including curious phrasing in item 9; ‘The allocation of areas of the Earth to various uses shall be planned…‘.1984 Debt-for-Nature Swaps.
The LatAm debt crisis began in Mexico in 1982. Lovejoy’s solution was simple - pledge your prime lands as colleteral in return for more debt - thus solving the problem forever.1985 Tietenberg - Emissions Trading59.
A significant though evolutionary step towards the full definition of the future carbon dioxide emission trading system.1985 GEMS GRID60.
While the Global Environment Monitoring System progressively took shape during the 1970s, the Global Resource Information Database (GRID) first launched in the mid-1980s.1985 The Villach Conference6162.
The models predicted disaster, and the models are never wrong. This led to the establishment of the AGGG (below).1985 Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases63.
The precursor to the IPCC, led by Bert Bolin.1985 Discovery of the Ozone Hole64.
1986 EPA - Offsetting.
Another progressive legislative update under Reagan.1987 Montreal Protocol - Emission Transfers65.
The discovery of the ozone hole led to this protocol, inclusive of language related to the transferring of emission permits between parties.1987 The World Conservation Bank.
Launched in 1989 as the Global Environment Facility, this is a financial mechanism serving the UNFCCC and CBD.1987 Our Common Future (The Brundtland Report)66.
Launch of the ‘Sustainable Development’ agenda in official capacity.1988 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change67.
Cooperating with the IIASA, the IPCC fabricates the quack environmental ‘science’ which goes unchallenged, yet is used as the basis for legislation.1988 Global Warming ‘officially begins’, per the New York Times.
Fortunately, the IPCC was setup just in time.1989 Al Gore’s ‘The Global Environment: A National Security Issue’68.
In the run-up to the Earth Summit, Al Gore posted this absurd, fear-mongering prediction -'Scientists now predict our current course may raise world temperatures almost 5°C in the lifetime of our children'. And there’s a hint of agenda through the inclusion of 'My own religious faith teaches me that we are given dominion over the earth but that we also are required to be good stewards of the earth.'
It’s a bad, bad call, but it’s particularly egregious, not only due to Gore’s engagement with GLOBE Legislators6970, but also as a pivotal figure in the development of the Convention on Biological Diversity71.1989 Iwokrama72.
A GEF pilot project meant to showcase the merits of biodiversity conservation, restoration and responsible use, but it predictably became a complete, financial disaster, with all ‘solutions’ only making things worse.1990 Contingency Valuation Model73.
The absurdity of this valuation model - used to value the use of natural resources in various capacities, including recreational use - is called out behind the scenes.1990 IPCC Assessment - Trade Permits74.
The very first IPCC assessment included superficial language related to the trading of emission permits.1990 IPCC WG3 - Emission Trading75.
The output report of working group 3 in remarkable detail spells out the future emission trading system.1990 The Second World Climate Conference76.
Calls for a Global Climate Observing System, ie, satellite surveillance.1991 The Global Environment Facility77.
Supposedly intended as a facility to provide financing mechanism to support the restoration of biodiversity and other global goals, what it actually is, is a facilitator of blended finance, routing taxpayer largesse into private foundation coffers, all whilst monetising nature.
It further serves as a financial mechanism of the UNFCCC and CBD.1991 Caring for the Earth78.
The IUCN publication launched the ethical imperative of living sustainably for sakes of alleged planetary stewardship.1992 1,700 Concerned Scientists79.
Having lied about nuclear in the 70’s, leave it to the Union of Concerned Scientists to drum up the fear post-Earth Summit in Rio. And though I’ve heard repeated claims that this is ‘no biggie’, the simple fact - and I quote - ‘Some 1,700 of the world's leading scientists, including the majority of Nobel laureates in the sciences, issued this appeal in November 1992‘ plus having personally lived through the event, that is patently an absolute absurdity. The document further goes to unequivocally state - ‘No more than one or a few decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity immeasurably diminished‘. We’re now more than 3 decades on, meaning that either the prediction was spectacularly wrong, or you’re the sort who will insist on watering down the message to a such extent that your opinion frankly becomes worthless, as you will no doubt either do or excuse the exact same 32 years from now on, thus rendering you completely untrustworthy.1992 Globe Legislator focus on Forests80.
The first ‘ecosystem service’ to be monetised, of course, is carbon emissions from forests. And, predictably, that was exactly what GLOBE focused on during their early years.1992 Combating Global Warming (UNCTAD/RDP/DFP/1).
Pivotal document(s), which with impeccable levels of precision outlined the future… monetisation of nature.1992 Rio Earth Summit81.
United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change82.
The Convention on Biological Diversity83.Agenda 2184.
While the UNFCCC in brief focuses on climate emissions (and thus, permits), the Convention on Biological Diversity takes the opposite side of that coin and focuses on sequestration. When these two are combined, they constitute the pivotal element of their ‘Grand Plan’ to drain Western nations of every penny.
And though the framework treaty itself is a ‘soft law’ document, it does include language relating to carbon sinks and sources - where these work to enable future emission trading, offsetting and banking systems.
Agenda 21 also constituted another ultimately meaningless ‘soft law’ document, but it contained a carefully hidden definition of the future ‘trisectoral’ global governance system, comprising the Public-Private-Partnership working towards the ‘common good’ as set out by the third partner - the Civil Society Organisation. And though this system travels alongside Blair’s Third Way, it’s ultimately modelled on Lenin’s New Economic Policy.1993 The President’s Council on Sustainable Development85.
This American initiative mirrors many other similar efforts, but with an emphasis on land management, thus logically explaining why the Ecosystem Approach was first formulated by the Interagency Ecosystem Management Task Force under Clinton and Gore (see below).1994 Combating Global Warming (UNCTAD/GID/8).
A sequel to the 1992 report above (analysed in linked substack article), but this one outlines… what can really only be interpreted as grand scale corruption.1995 The Ecosystem Approach v0.5.
Whilst the Convention on Biological Diversity were certain that an ‘Ecosystem Approach’ was a necessity, no-one knew what it entailed. But the first outline materialised through a Task Force in the Clinton/Gore administration.1997 Kyoto - Emission Trading86.
This is, largely, the system progressively concocted by the UNCTED as detailed above. But what is less acknowledged is the role of GLOBE behind the scenes87.1998 IETA - Emission Trading Organisation88.
Yet another low profile initiative with Maurice Strong involvement.2000 The Ecosystem Approach (Malawi Principles)89.
The origin can be traced back to Rockefeller-funded HW Odum’s Regionalism90, and the objective is ultimately top-down controlled Integrated Landcape Management91. The sort, hinted at through the 1982 World Charter for Nature.2000 The Earth Charter92.
The overriding emphasis of the Earth Charter is Planetary Stewardship, which should be achieved through Planetary Ethics93, codified into legislation.2000 The Humanist Manifesto 200094.
Not only does this repeats the Earth Charter call for planetary ethics, but it even suggests ‘a new global agenda’, and ‘a World Parliament elected by the people, an income tax to help the underdeveloped countries, the end of the veto in the Security Council, an environmental agency, and a world court with powers of enforcement‘.
Technocratic rule, in short.2006 Al Gore: An Inconvenient Truth95.
Gore releases highly controversial documentary, which contains a litany of errors and mispredictions. He further refuses to take an energy ethics pledge; ‘rules for thee, but not me’96.2007 U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 200797.
2007 IPCC officials admit mistake over melting Himalayan glaciers98.
When an ‘error’ in this regard is even covered by the Guardian, you know it’s bad.2009 Focus on Copenhagen99.
I will let these quotes speak for themselves -
'2020 as the year for grand action... Sir Nicholas Stern... a comprehensive plan must be drawn up to ensure world focus on an ultimate solution... a global carbon trading system with a strict descending world cap as the only means forward… we must move to a global emissions trading system and create a one single common carbon price world-wide so that the price signal does all the tricks… Transforming the UNFCCC into a World Climate and Energy Council'2009 Copenhagen Accord100.
Though commonly described as ‘a failure’, this event was anything but - easily observable through the explosion in annual NGO registrations, seeking to peddle influence at the highest levels of international diplomacy.2009 Climategate101.
The real story is actually the cover-up - not only because the claim of this merely being an ‘email controversy’ is an outright lie.2010 GLOBE Legislators/Slanted inquiries102.
The investigations following Climategate were nothing short of evidence of systemic corruption (further on this in substack article above).2010 GLOBE/CBD Nagoya Protocol103.
Efforts relating to ‘Natural Capital’ started with the Nagoya Protocol, but - as per usual - operating from the shadows, GLOBE helped efforts along nicely.2011 GLOBE Legislators/BBC/Climategate Corruption104.
Set up with the backing of Tony Blair, then the Prime Minister, and run by a group of British MPs and peers the organisation, Globe International, started life as an All Party Group based in the House of Commons.'2011 Rothschild’s Moringa. The first agroforestry blended finance fund105.
Trial balloon relating to agroforestry - by pure coincidence - happens to be owned by the Rothschild family itself.2015 ‘The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever’106.
What little credibility remained given ‘Climategate’ was taken outside and shot at repeated reveals of yet more systemic fraud.2015 The Paris Agreement107.
A further step towards codification of synthetic, quack science planetary ethics and blended finance alleyway robbery of the western taxpayer.2015 The Sustainable Development Goals108.
Our journey to the Omega Point officially begins, as version 1.0 of our ‘global purpose’ is published, chock full of Aesopian language.
The implementation of these 17 ‘goals’ will progressively be implemented as we close in on 2030, at which stage version 2.0 can be expected - which reasonably can be projected109 to110 take111 us112 to113 2050114.2016 Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds115.
Alarmingly, NASA prove themselves to be on the page of crazy conspiracy theorists by posting an article, stating the obvious.
The IPCC and UNFCCC naturally do as would be reasonably expected - ignore said stated obviousness.2018 World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice116.
Undeterred by their complete failure to predict the future in 1992, not only did these crooks repeat the same message, but they in fact now claim the situation has deteriorated. And the Union of Concerned Scientists, again, were involved in this shameless refusal to own up.
More than 15,000 alleged ‘scientists’ signed this absurdity, including architects, social scientists, veterinarians, museum curators, teaching assistants, zoologists, PhD students, even physicians and quite possibly parking attendants and student bus drivers too, making this 15,000 number all the more legit.2020 Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming117.
NASA confirms the validity of yet another crazy conspiracy theory, but promptly move to address this error - by taking down the webpage118.
Superb research. Thanks.
Thanks escapekey for this detail. At the core is COR and the UN's tentacle the IPCC IMO.